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Synthetic applications of the type 2 intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction: (1) Efforts toward the total synthesis of the welwitindolinone alkaloids and (2) Enantioselective synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring systems

Posted on:2010-01-16Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Brailsford, John AFull Text:PDF
This dissertation describes the synthesis of an advanced welwitindolinone intermediate via an alkylation/cyclization cascade reaction. This cascade reaction prepares a highly functionalized welwitindolinone core structure containing two all--carbon quaternary centers, sets two stereocenters, and assembles all but two carbon atoms of the B and C welwitindolinone skeleton from simple materials in short fashion. Additionally, a novel route for the preparation of 4-vinyl oxindoles via the Suzuki cross-coupling reaction is described. In another project, asymmetric variants of the type 2 intramolecular Diels--Alder reaction incorporating oxazolidinone chiral auxiliaries were evaluated. This study has resulted in systems that deliver bridged bicyclic [5.3.1] and [4.3.1] ring systems in high diastereomeric (97-99% de)(and enantiomeric) purity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reaction, Welwitindolinone, Synthesis
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