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State-sponsored paranoia: A comparative content analysis of paranoia in 9/11 conspiracy theory, mainstream 9/11 theory and contemporary political rhetoric

Posted on:2011-11-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, FullertonCandidate:Gibson, Nicholas RussellFull Text:PDF
What is the function of paranoia in 9/11 conspiracy theory and mainstream 9/11 theory? Some 9/11 conspiracy theorists have argued that the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 are evidence of an "inside job" --- people inside the United States government knew about the attacks before they happened and either did nothing to prevent, or helped orchestrate the attacks. Skeptics, including scholars, politicians, media pundits, and grassroots opponents of 9/11 conspiracy theorists have generally dismissed such explanations as unrestrained paranoia. This research investigates the functions of paranoia in regards to 9/11. I conduct a comparative analysis of 9/11 mainstream theory and 9/11 conspiracy theory. Data representing 9/11 conspiracy theorizing, namely the "inside job" theory, will come from the loosechange9l forum.;Data representing 9/11 mainstream theory are collected via transcribed speeches and commentary from major political figures in the Bush Administration, as well as well-known media personalities. Analysis is conducted using a working definition of paranoia based on the fundamental elements of conspiracy theory, and observations of the use of paranoia as a recruitment tool and arguments made by 9/11 conspiracy theorists and mainstream 9/11 advocates. The main theoretical conclusion is that based on a comparison of paranoia in 9/11 mainstream theory and 9/11 conspiracy theory, the structure of the paranoia found in the two theoretical perspectives is almost identical.
Keywords/Search Tags:9/11 conspiracy, Paranoia, Political, Data representing 9/11
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