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Gender and economic neoliberalism: An analysis of the European Parliament

Posted on:2010-06-03Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Vail, RyanFull Text:PDF
Scope and Method of Study. A quantitative analysis of the relationship between gender neoliberal economic policies in the European Parliament.;Findings and Conclusions. By analyzing roll-call voting by gender from the European Union, two questions can be answered. First, have women as a group of legislators voted differently than their male counterparts on neoliberal policies in the European Parliament? Second, if there is a difference, has it been significant enough to alter the economic direction of Europe?;This study has shown that gender has little effect on voting habits, and it also shows that women do not consistently support or oppose neoliberal economic legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic, Neoliberal, Gender, European
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