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Diseno de un sistema para el manejo de informacion de proyectos de construccion en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, recinto de Mayaguez

Posted on:2011-05-03Degree:M.EType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Charon Ramirez, JavierFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this project is the optimization of the flow of information between all personnel involved in the construction projects of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. In addition, an attempt to reduce the amount of paper used in these management tasks was undertaken. Improving the monitoring process, by the inspectors, was also included, since this is an evidence of all worked done in the construction projects.To accomplish the aforementioned objectives, standard forms were created that will require the companies to adapt to the methods and documents of the Campus. The use of standards forms could allow the advisers of the Campus to analyze documents fast and in a more efficient way. Also, as part of this project, Internet prototype pages were developed. The entire development effort could be part of a future project that would implement them as the database for the Campus. This database could offer the opportunity of updating information of each project, so that it is organized and available at any time. In addition, it could reduce to the use of paper based forms, allowing for possible reduction in administrative expenses for the University of Puerto Rico. The combination of the forms and the database could improve the information transfer and could allow the administration to have a better control of the project.To achieve the objectives of this project, a study of the actual method of project management on ongoing projects by the Mayaguez Campus was necessary. Also, references on documents used in construction management were consulted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, Puerto rico, Construction, Campus
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