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Achieving success in engineering: A phenomenological exploration of Latina/o student persistence in engineering fields of study

Posted on:2008-08-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Vasquez, Philip LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2447390005466645Subject:Hispanic American Studies
This study explored the factors that precluded or enhanced Latina/o student persistence in engineering fields of study at Iowa State University (ISU). The study employed a phenomenological methodology. Nora's (2003) Model of Student Engagement and Rendon's (1994) model of validation were used as the theoretical framework. Focus group interviews were employed to explore the pre-college, academic, and social experiences of Latina/o engineering majors while enrolled at ISU. A Model of Latina/o Student Success in Engineering (Figure 5.1) was developed and characterized the three main determinants that facilitated student success in engineering fields of study. The three indicators of success were: (a) pre-college experiences, (b) academic experiences, and (c) social experiences. Pre-college determinants that facilitated success included family support and institutional commitment. Academic experiences that facilitated success were academic engagement and validating interactions among students and faculty. Social experiences also influenced student success by engaging students in relationships of peer support and mentoring. Recommendations were offered to aid the higher education community in implementing student success in their engineering programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Engineering, Student, Success
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