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Globalization enacted: A communicative inquiry in a multinational corporation

Posted on:2010-03-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Northern Kentucky UniversityCandidate:Shandy, Aimee AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002471891Subject:Speech communication
A case study, this research seeks to develop a better understanding of the process of globalization by examining it as it is enacted. Through 30 in-depth interviews, this study uses qualitative-interpretive methods in the dialogical style of Bakhtin to develop a definition of globalization, and identify the related tensions felt by employees of a mid-sized multinational corporation. The results of the analysis are followed by a discussion on the importance of a cultural and/or critical approach to communication studies of globalization within organizations, and what that might mean for globalization research in general.
Keywords/Search Tags:Globalization, Multinational corporation
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