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Understanding ion association states and molecular dynamics using infrared spectroscopy

Posted on:2014-03-03Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Masser, HanqingFull Text:PDF
A molecular level understanding of the ion transport mechanism within polymer electrolytes is crucial to the further development for advanced energy storage applications. This can be achieved by the identification and quantitative measurement of different ion species in the system and further relating them to the ion conductivity. In the first part of this thesis, research is presented towards understanding the ion association states (free ions, ion pairs and ion aggregates) in ionomer systems, and the correlation of ion association states, ion conduction, polymer dynamics, and morphology. Ion conductivity in ionomers can be improved by lowering glass transition temperature, increasing polymer ion solvation ability, and adjusting ionomer structural variables such as ion content, cation type and side chain structure. These effects are studied in three ionomer systems respectively, using a combination of characterization methods. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) identifies and quantifies the ion association states. Dielectric Spectroscopy (DRS) characterizes ion conductivity and polymer and ion dynamics. X-ray scattering reveals changes in morphology.;The influence of a cation solvating plasticizer on a polyester ionomer is systematically investigated with respect to ion association states, ion and polymer dynamics and morphology. A decrease in the number ratio of ion aggregates with increased plasticizer content and a slight increase at elevated temperature are observed in FTIR. Similar results are also detected by X-ray scattering. As determined from dielectric spectroscopy, ion conductivity increases with plasticizer content, in accordance with the decrease in glass transition temperature.;Research on copolymer of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PTMO) based ionomers further develops an understanding of the trade-off between ion solvation and segmental dynamics. Upon the incorporation of PTMO, the majority of the PTMO microphase separates from the PEO-rich microphase, and ionic groups are preferentially solvated by PEO chains and reside in the PEO-rich microphase. As the ratio of PTMO increases, the fraction of aggregates increases, resulting in more highly coordinated aggregation states. Results on ion association states are in good agreement with previous results on ion conductivity, polymer dynamics and morphology.;The effects of ion content, cation type and ionic side chain structure on ion association states are systemically studied in a series of ionomers with short ethylene oxide and ionic sulfonated styrene side chains, and then correlated to the ion and polymer dynamic characterization. It is found that ionomers with modest ion content, large cation and styrene ionic side chain have the most "free ions" and ion pairs, and highest ion conductivity. Ion conduction in ionomers is optimized by systematically changing their chemical structures.;In addition to knowledge of ion association states, a IR band shape also contains information on molecular dynamics. In companion investigation, the vibrational relaxation and dynamic transitions of conformationally insensitive normal modes in two different polymer systems (atactic polystyrene and deuterated poly(methyl methacrylate)) are studied. The information on vibrational relaxations is resolved by conducting precisely controlled FTIR experiments, applying specialized curve resolving data analysis, and calculating time correlation functions through numerical Fourier transformation. The vibrational relaxations of these modes can be described by a two process model: a fast process on the time scale of 0.01 ps, which is inhomogeneously broadened by a slow process on the time scale of picoseconds.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ion, Understanding, Dynamics, Molecular, Polymer, Spectroscopy, PTMO
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