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Kappa-carrageenan interactions in systems containing casein micelles and polysaccharide stabilizers

Posted on:2006-11-02Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Spagnuolo, Paul AnthonyFull Text:PDF
Phase separation, as a result of thermodynamic incompatibility between casein micelles and added polysaccharide, occurs when polysaccharide gums are added to milk based products. Addition of kappa-carrageenan prevents the undesirable phenomenon, however, the mechanism by which this is achieved is not fully known. The existing theories, although reasonable, fail to fully explain kappa-carrageenan's 'milk reactivity'. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the ability of kappa-carrageeenan to prevent phase separation under a variety of conditions and to provide a viable explanation.; Field emission scanning electron micrographs, dynamic light scattering and micro differential scanning calorimetry results show that interaction occurs between casein micelles and kappa-carrageenan. Dynamic light scattering and phase separation experiments also show that interaction is necessary but not sufficient to prevent phase separation and further suggest that aggregation of kappa-carrgeenan helices is also required. These results, coupled with results from previous projects in our lab, lead to a mechanism that involves both casein-kappa-carrageenan and kappa-carrageenan-kappa-carrageenan interactions, which prevents phase separation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Casein micelles, Phase separation, Kappa-carrageenan, Polysaccharide
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