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Exploring substance abuse counselors' use of psychological assessments in substance abuse treatment planning

Posted on:2014-04-07Degree:M.S.PsyType:Thesis
University:Kaplan UniversityCandidate:Waterman, Carl HFull Text:PDF
The research literature suggests that utilizing psychological assessments in developing Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) treatment may improve patient retention and outcomes, and prevent relapse. The present study therefore assessed the extent to which a national sample of SUD counselors utilizes psychological assessments. A survey of psychological assessment use and perceptions was developed. Demographic and practice data from the sample (N = 68) closely resemble that of SUD counselors nationwide. Seven of ten counselors indicated that they have received specialized training in administering psychological assessments and use psychological assessments to develop SUD treatment plans. Results indicated that SUD counselors find using psychological assessments in treatment planning beneficial for improving outcomes and retention, but only moderately effective in doing so. Counselors were less enthusiastic about the value of psychological assessments in preventing future relapse. Respondents commented that effective SUD treatment requires several components, of which psychological assessments remain just one. Nevertheless, there was clear interest for improved training during initial SUD education and afterwards in using psychological assessments. By far, the assessment instrument used most was the Addiction Severity Index. The MMPI-2 and trauma related scales emerged as the instruments of greatest interest for additional training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychological assessments, Substance abuse, SUD, Counselors
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