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Small business, government and the American economy: A symbiotic relationship

Posted on:2005-07-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Jaskula, MichelleFull Text:PDF
Many researchers have stressed the importance of small business to the American economy.{09}For many years, small business has been viewed as the backbone of the American Economy.{09}Researchers have shown how small business has been integral to the economic, political and cultural development of the United States. The government knows that small business plays a crucial role in the American economy; therefore, it seeks to encourage small business growth through the passage of laws and regulations that benefit small business. Along with the establishment of agencies to assist small business financially and other ways, the government seeks to ensure the success of small business. This relationship between government and business exits at several levels: federal, state and local. The interweaving of this relationship affects the economy in many ways. In order for small business to thrive, government provides needed support and encouragement. Small business has become politically powerful in the United States today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small business, American economy, Government, United states, Relationship
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