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Adult Chinese learners' structured-communicative approach to improving oral communicative competence in English

Posted on:1993-11-05Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Queen's University (Canada)Candidate:Ma, YaminFull Text:PDF
This study was designed to explore an overall learning approach for adult Chinese learners who were involved in an intensive 15-week English program at a community college in Ontario. The objective of their learning English was to improve oral communicative competence. Four adult Chinese subjects within intermediate level in speaking ability were chosen on a voluntary basis. Diary study was employed as a research methodology to elicit information about their English language learning.;Through analysis of all the diary entries, categories of learning activities, learning strategies and language components emerged. A Structured-Communicative Approach is described as the preferred way of language learning for the Chinese subjects in this study. Typically, the Chinese learners sought opportunities to use English for communication while, at the same time, attending carefully to the learning of vocabulary and grammar, and extending their attention to listening and reading. Two learning strategies, monitoring and translation, appeared to be spontaneous processes. The subjects in this study also reported that the learning strategy of formal and functional practice was frequently used, and helped them improve speaking competence. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult chinese, Approach, Competence, English
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