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Research On Teaching Strategy Of Physics Concept Transformation In Junior High School And Senior High School Based On Meta-cognitive Theory

Posted on:2022-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306557983689Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When students are promoted from junior high school to senior high school,the physics concepts of junior middle will be enriched and rooted in the process of learning in the senior high school.In order to help students establishing the connection of physics concepts between junior high school and senior high school,it is a necessary condition to realize the concept transformation in this process.Only by clarifying the causes and consequences of concepts,can we have an accurate understanding of physical concepts,and then learning the subsequent concepts smoothly.At the same time,solving the problem of physics concept span in junior and senior high schools also provides a step for teaching convergence.In this paper,literature analysis,interview,questionnaire and case analysis are used to analyze and investigate the concept change.From the current situation of concept teaching,Chinese scholars still have little research on the change of physics concepts.Teachers in junior high schools have little communication with teachers in senior high schools,and teachers in senior high schools have little thought in physics concept.Students’ understanding of concepts mainly depend on teachers’ explanation and thought of solving problem,which fails to connect the old and new concepts.In view of the positive influence of meta-cognitive ability in the teaching process and its important role in enhancing the effect of concept teaching,this paper,under the guidance of meta-cognitive theory,puts forward the teaching transformation strategy which is in the line with students’ cognitive development,and communicates with teachers which have rich teaching experience by comparing the teaching effect of examples,so as to improve the supplementary teaching strategy.The application of meta-cognitive theory in teaching strategy of changing concept can help students learn physics concepts of senior high school better by making transition to physics concepts of junior high school,expanding students’ meta-knowledge,solving cognitive conflicts,enriching emotional experience,learning evaluation and reflection can make students learn physics concepts from simple to deep,and cultivate their self-study ability in physics concept learning.At the same time,it can enhance teachers’ awareness of concept change and provide new strategies for concept teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meta-cognitive, Junior high school physics, Physical concepts, Conceptual change, Teaching strategy
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