In the 21st century,the focus of education has turned to the cultivation of students' problem-solving ability in the international.PISA incorporated problem-solving ability into the PISA project evaluation in 2003.In recent years,training students' problem-solvingability has become a strategic goal of the new curriculum standard reform.?Ordinary high school biology curriculum standards?proposes to cultivate students' problem-solving ability.Students must have the ability to solve problems in order to adapt to the needs of future social development and personal life.This article focuses on "how to cultivate students' biological problem-solving ability based on ill-structured problem teaching" in the biology classroom,and from the perspective of classroom teaching design,explores the effects of ill-structured problem teaching on cultivating students' biological problem solving ability in order to provide reference teaching methods and teaching strategies for cultivating students' problem-solving ability.This study uses questionnaires to investigate the current status of high school students' biological problem-solving ability.Through literature research,understand popular researches such as ill-structured problems,PBL teaching models,and problem-solving ability.Combined with the PBL teaching model and the ill-structured problem solving process put forward ill-structure problem teaching method.Through the teaching experiment,take two instructional designs as examples,conduct a one semester of ill-structure problem teaching,to explore the effectiveness of the ill-structured problem teaching method in cultivating high school students' biological problem solving ability.The main results of the research are the creation of ill-structured problem teaching methods.The teaching process of this teaching method is:(1)Design real situation introduction,discover and raise problems;(2)Show examples of ill-structured problem solving;(3)Create ill-structured problems and solve problems(4)Evaluate the solution;(5)Migrate to solve similar problems.Besides,propose a strategy for cultivating high school students' biological problem-solving ability based on ill-structured problem teaching:(1)Provide real problem situations and create a problem chain to discover problems;(2)Create an open learning atmosphere and advocate cooperative problem solving;(3)Use heuristic teaching to guide students to solve problems;(4)Use multiple evaluation methods to give comprehensive feedback on students' problem-solving ability;(5)Establish the connection between the classroom and life,and cultivate students' migration ability to solve problems.Combining the PISA2012 evaluation framework for problem-solving ability,SOLO classification and evaluation method,and Waterman problem-solving scoring system,the problem-solving process performance scoring standard is formulated,and the problem-solving process is divided into five dimensions:problem understanding,planning,implementation,self-evaluation and reflection,cooperation and communication,there are five levels in each dimension.Through the survey of the current situation,the results of the survey show that high school students are not active in solving biological problems,the way to solve the problem is not clear,and the quality of problem solving needs to be improved.Using experimental data to analyze the application effect of the ill-structured problem teaching method on the biological problem-solving ability of high school students.The analysis shows that through the ill-structured problem teaching method,the students' performance in biology has improved,their ability to understand problems has been greatly improved,their quality in solving biological problems has been improved,they have learned self-evaluation and reflection,they are more willing and good at cooperative communication,and their overall biological problem-solving ability has improved.It can be concluded that ill-structured problem teaching method can be effectively carried out in the biology classroom;the ill-structured problem teaching method increases the enthusiasm of students to solve problems;the ill-structured problem teaching method improves students' biological problem solving ability.The ill-structure problem teaching method can effectively improve students' biological performance. |