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The Aesthetic Study Of Han Da Fu

Posted on:2024-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2545307157996539Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Han dafu is a typical representative of Han dynasty literature,showing the unique way of thinking and cultural spirit of the Han dynasty,and leaving an extremely important literary legacy for future generations.Although it occupies an important place in literary history alongside traditional literary forms such as poetry and prose,its study has been relatively unappreciated,and its value and influence have been debated and questioned.Therefore,this thesis aims to conduct a comprehensive study and analysis of the aesthetics of the Han dafu by exploring its aesthetic subject and object and their relationship,analysing the aesthetic consciousness embedded in the Han dafu,and studying the aesthetic style and aesthetic value of the Han dafu.The main part of the paper is divided into four chapters:The first chapter deals with the aesthetic subject and the aesthetic object of Han Dafu,and analyses the aesthetic relationship between them.The first chapter deals with the aesthetic subject and the aesthetic object,and analyses the aesthetic relationship between the two.The part on the aesthetic subject discusses the identity,talent,mentality and aesthetic way of thinking of the aesthetic subject,outlining the general outline of the aesthetic subject.In the process of sorting out the aesthetic object,it is found that the object has the aesthetic characteristics of grandeur,novelty and magnificence.The subject’s status as a government official and his ’big ego’ mentality have influenced the formation of a special aesthetic relationship between the subject and the object,in which the object and the object are united and united.The second chapter is an analysis of the aesthetic consciousness embedded in the Han dafu.There is a rich aesthetic consciousness embedded in the Han dafu,including an aesthetic interest in object beauty,a focus on the celebration of beauty,an aesthetic standard of grandeur and imagery,a focus on formal beauty,and an aesthetic ideal of ’magnificence’.The third chapter systematically describes the aesthetic style of the Han Dafu.Through the analysis and appreciation of the works of Han Dafu,it is found that the aesthetic style of Han Dafu is distinguished by four categories: magnificent and grand,beautiful and flamboyant,romantic and ludicrous,and elaborate and rich.These four aesthetic styles are reflected in the imagery,language,linguistic organisation and the expression of the author’s thoughts and emotions.In the fourth chapter,it is pointed out that the aesthetic value of the Han fu is that it met the aesthetic needs of the people of the time,and that it established the aesthetic paradigm of "majesty".This paper provides an in-depth discussion and detailed analysis of the aesthetic subject and object,aesthetic consciousness,aesthetic style and aesthetic value of the Han Dafu,and considers and explores the aesthetic spirit of the Han Dafu in the cultural context of the times,in the hope of enriching the study of Han dynasty fugue literature in the field of aesthetics to a certain extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dafu, Aesthetic Subject and Object, Aesthetic Consciousness, Aesthetic Style, Aesthetic Value
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