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Research On Collaborative Governance Strategy Of Rural Human Settlement Environment In Yangshou Town

Posted on:2024-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556306917452644Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the rural revitalization strategy was proposed,rural human settlement environment governance,as an important part of achieving the goal of "ecological livability",has been highly valued by the party and the state.Since 2018,the state has successively issued three-year and five-year action plans for rural human settlements governance,and the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022 also pointed out that it is necessary to promote urban and rural human settlements governance.Under the guidance of the central policy,the living environment in rural areas has been significantly improved,but there are still some problems.For example,rural infrastructure is weak,the phenomenon of long-term environmental management and protection still exists,enterprises,villagers,social organizations and other entities are relatively passive,and there is a lack of coordination and cooperation between subjects.Therefore,in the context of the new era,under the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy,in order to solve the problems of rural human settlements in China,it is necessary to build a collaborative governance environment model of all subjects.Yangshou is located in the northwest suburbs of Yangzhou,under the jurisdiction of 7 administrative villages and 1 community,the total area of the town area of 39.93 square kilometers,as a traditional agricultural township,rural environmental governance has been the focus of its work in the past two years,so this paper explores the optimization strategy of rural human settlement environment collaborative governance through the research on the collaborative governance of rural human settlement environment in Yangshou.This paper uses literature research method,questionnaire survey method and the others to carry out investigation and research on the collaborative governance of rural human settlement environment in Yangshou,starting from the theories of collaborative governance,public governance and sustainable development.After fully investigating the actual situation of relevant government departments and villages,the current situation of rural human settlements in Yangshou was improved in four aspects:garbage transfer,sewage treatment,agricultural toilet reform and road upgrading.And the status quo of collaborative governance was promoted through the coordination between government departments,the government and villagers,enterprises and social organizations.Three typical administrative villages,Yangshou Yonghe Village,Fangji Village and Yangshou Community,were selected as the investigation and research objects,and questionnaires were randomly distributed to villagers in the villages,and recovered and analyzed,and it was concluded that the current collaborative governance of rural human settlements environment in Yangshou mainly has four problems:uneven governance functions of each entity,different governance goals of each entity,lack of expression channels in the governance process of each entity,and lack of incentives and constraints in the governance of each entity.The unclear understanding of each entity’s own positioning,the different driving interests of each entity,the imperfect collaborative governance system,and the lack of financial guarantee and regulatory regulations are the potential causes of its problems.This paper attempts to provide opinions and references from four aspects:strengthening system construction,strengthening the sense of coordination of subjects,improving the operation of interests and improving incentives and constraints,and provides strategic suggestions for the coordinated governance of rural human settlement environment in Yangshou.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural revitalization strategy, the living environment in rural areas, collaborative governance
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