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Studies On The Isolation, Pure Culture And DNA Identification Of Mycelia Of Lactarius Deliciosus

Posted on:2003-05-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Laclarius deliciosus is a edible mycorrhizal fungus. It was chosen to be studied on morphology, nutrition analyse and assessment, tissue isolation and Solid pure culture, liquid fermentation, RAPD molecule identify and the effect of L deliciosus on the growth of Pinus massoniana seedlings. The main results of the research paper are as follows:l.The phenotype analysis of L deliciosus was made, which is different from two colour. Mycelium, basidium and basidiospore were observed with scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The results showed that four basidiospores on basidium evenly, the shapes were elliptical, 6-7X5-6 pm in size, with clamp connection in growing mycelium of 3. 0-3. 3 urn in width.2. L deliciosus is a high protein and low fat health food. It was concluded that contents of mineral elements , fatty acids and polysaccharides of two different colour fruitbody are not the same. After the compoment analysis and compared with other kinds of edible fungi, the nutrition position of L. deliciosus was defined . The international adopted nutrient value assessment method was applied to the overall assessment of the protein nutrient value of L. deliciosus. The conclusion was drawn that the protein content of L. Deliciosus is comparatively high, the trace elements humanbody needed are rich in fruitbody ang mycelia of L. deliciosus, and it can be regarded as good source of useful elements, such as P, Ca> Zn, Ni. There are six kinds of fatty acid in the grey pileus and mycelia. The content of setearic acid in fuitbody is high, which is 56. 10% of the total fatty acid. The poly-unsaturated fatty acid is 56. 07% of the total fatty acid in the mycelia, higher than Rivinosa and peanut. The fruitbody of L. deliciosus 17 kinds of amino acids, the total content of which in pileus and stipe is respectively 12. 75% and 8. 98%. The essential amino acid makes up 48.39% of the total amino acids. The first amino acid is met. CS, MS, EAAI, BV, NIand SRCAA of which is respectively 77. 6, 64.9, 98.6, 95.8, 23.2 and 74.19. It was proved that CS and SRCAA possess the first place, EAAI> BY and NI the second place,only AAS the third place .By comparision,the nutrient value in pileus of L. deliciosus is a little higher than that of L. edodes. Polysaccharide production rate in mycelia is 9. 36%, much higher than fruitbody too.3. The tissue isolation for L. deliciosus were made with 12 media from different positions of 6 basidiocarps of different source in the studies. The slow-growing mycelia and fast-growing mycelia were got .The results showed that different place of taking tissue had little effects on the result of tissue isolation from L. deliciosus. Among media were taken in experiment of tissue isolation, PDA was the best medium. Mycelia grew fastest on PDA and Yeast-glucose -gallium. Pine leaives extract was put into media tested, the growth of mycelia increased atdifferent levels.Mycelia had wide temperature range for growth, from 7 to 37"C , the suitable temperature range was 15 to 30 癈 , and the optimun was 27 癈, stopped growing at 5 癈 and 40 癈 . Mycelia had wide pH range for growth, 4 to 9 , the suitable pH range were 5 to 7, the optimum was 6. Mycelia could absorb all the carbon sucroses tested (fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, starch, dextrin), the sucrose was the best utilized carbon nutrition, secondly was glucose and the last was fructose. Mycelia could not utilize NaNOj and Urea, the others could be utilized at different levels. Among organic nitrogens, simple nitrogen, such as glycine were better utilized than the complex nitrogens, such as peptone and yeast extract. Among inorganic nitrogens, ammonium nitrogen was better utilized than nitrate nitrogen. Mycelia could endure salt concentration powerfully, mycelia had wide salt concentration range for growth, from 0 to 14g/L, suitable salt concentration range for growth were 0 to 6 g/L, mycelia was growing slow from 8 to 14 g/L .4. Liquid fermenttation of mycelia was investigated on the effect of carbon s...
Keywords/Search Tags:Laclarius deliciosus, mycorrhiza, edible mycorrhizal fungi, pure culture, Liquid fermentation, RAPD analysis, DNA fingerprinting pattern, Isolates, Basidiocarps, Pinus massoniana, Inoculated seedlings
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