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Early Management Of Maxillofacial Gunshot Wound By 5.80mm Bullet And The Correlation Between Inflammatory Cytokines And Wound Healing

Posted on:1998-10-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1104360185496631Subject:Maxillofacial surgery
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A new animal model of the lower jaw penetrating wound involving hard and soft tissues by 5.80mm military gunshot in dogs was set up in our research. The characteristics of this model were observed and analysed by using the methods of ballistics and pathology. After the gunshot, there were moderate systemic reactions to the wounds in dogs. The situations of the local wounds were more complicated. The damaged tissues included mandible, masticatory muscles, inferior alveolar nerve, facial nerve, salivary glands and teeth. The wound path was a typical gunshot wound path, whose exit was wider than the entrance. The temporary cavity, the severe secondary missiles injury and a huge permanent cavity at the lingual side of the dogs'mandible were observed. The results demonstrated that this model was very stable, repeatable and accurate. This model could be used as an ideal representation for small calibre gunshot wounds in maxillofacial area.In the investigation of early management of small calibre bullet wounds in dogs' lower jaw, it was found that severe and complex as the local injury was, primary closed wounds could improve the wound healing after early administration of antibiotics and adequate debridement, including complete hemostasis, removal of the foreign body but without excising tissues of wound track, copious irrigation of the wound with 3% H2O2 and saline solution, closing the wound cavity...
Keywords/Search Tags:gunshot wound, ballistic, lower jaw, managmant of wounds, cytokine, wound healing, proinflammatory cytokine
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