There are many factors which influence regional economy growth. The distribution of Administrative centers, that is, how the digree is and where the centers are, would be an important factor to affect regional economy growth, especially when the economic operations have mainly been influenced by the gavernments or market system has not been perfectly errected. Actually, the establishment of administrative centers is a kind institutional arrangment for regions in self-organizing ability and the ability gathering production factors. At the beginning to divide the administrative regions and to establish administrative centers, there were some restrictions for the economic condition and the leval of understanding, so that it was hard to avoid that the long term growth of regions had not been perfectly considered. Along with the economic development, it would be necessary to resolve the contradiction between administrative center establishing and regional economy growth.In this thesis, I has made an analisis of the distribution situation patterns of the administrative centers which affect the regional economy, taking some regions as examples for empirical analysis. Besides, I give the ideas and the countermeasure for dealing with the situation.In the part of introduction, I explain why the theme has been chosen and the meaning in theory and in pratice. In chapter1, I look back the documents which would be correlated to the subject studied in this thesis.In chapter2,I analyze the discrepancy between the different levals of administrative centers, which have different effects to surrouding region’s economy. It’s easier for a high-leval administrative center to attract kinds of production factors, where competitive industrial groups could be easyly gathered, so that the economic growth rates would be comparatively fast.In chapter3, I analyze the same degree of administrative centers which had been distributed in a mode of spacial balance or not, which would affect regional economy growth. Along with the division of labor and the upgrading of industries, a balanced urban system has been formed in each region, where a leading city is surrounded by others. If a new administrative center is not located at the leading city, the urban system would be reformed and there would be a new "central area". It would be benificial to balanced growth of regional economy, if the administrative center is located regularly. Otherwise, unbalanced growth would be caused.In chapter4where empirical analysis is made, I analyze the three megalopolises of Xuzhou, Zhengzhou and Hefei, to see how the regional economy has been affected for if the provincial administrative center had been set up, and if the administrative centers had been located regularly. According to the historical base, advantage in geography, mineral resources and so on, Xuzhou city had been dominant in the three cities which are far away about300km from each other. Before and after the liberation, Hefei and Zhengzhou had been the capitals of Anhui and Henan provinces early or late, and their infrastructure had been improved preferencially. Meanwhile, most talented persons and other production factors have been gathered at the capitals. After the accumulative effect for more than half a century, the economy growth of Xuzhou city has been lagged behind the two capital cities of Zhengzhou and Hefei, and so has the megalopolis.In chapter5, there are two examples which display the effect of administrative centers to regional economy growth.In chapter6, I give the conclusions of this thesis and discussed the pattern of urbanization in China. I give some policy suggestions and look into the future of some regions where new administrative centers maybe set up.