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Research On The New Development Of The Scientific Concept Of Development In Economic Construction Since The Seventeenth Congress Of The Chinese Communist Party

Posted on:2013-11-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330377960196Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening to “17th Party Congress”before, our country’seconomic construction the achievements and existing problems: established "takingeconomic construction as the center" guiding ideology, realize that the focus of theparty and the state of the transfer; Take "non-equilibrium type" development, execute"with rich, yet after final were rich", giving priority to the development of the regionand the "three steps" development strategy, to the rapid development of the target.But "vulgar" type and export-led economic growth mode, the development of theeconomy, also accumulated many contradictions,"between the urban and rural andregional differences, the gap between rich and poor, the expansion of environmentalresources since the reform and the legacy of the mechanism of system interwovencontradictions" are restricting sound and rapid economic growth.The “17th Party Congress”formally established the scientific outlook ondevelopment for China’s socialist construction and the long-term guiding ideology,thorough ground analysed our country located development phase of new features, acomprehensive interpretation of the scientific outlook on development the basicconnotation and mental essence, put forward to carry out implement scientificoutlook on development of the new requirements, and accurate positioning of thescientific outlook on development status of the theory, expounded the significance ofscientific outlook on development.The “17th Party Congress” convened after, it is the global financial crisis period,the economic development of our country is faced with many new challenges andstress, foreign trade exports fell, export-oriented economy in serious decline, foreignenterprises and small and medium-sized enterprise production is extremely difficult,a large number of workers unemployed, on one hand, it is our country for a longtime stress to the export-oriented economic development mode of influence, on theother hand, China’s economic system mechanism of shortcomings appeared. Facingthe from abroad and domestic economic development of all kinds of challenges inthe guidance of scientific development, our country correctly judge international anddomestic economic situation and the development environment, taken a series ofpolicy measures to deal with, to speed up the transformation of the mode ofeconomic development, timely adjust taxation, industry, currency, consumption andother economic policies to expand domestic demand, focus on employment and thepeople’s livelihood relevant policy security, prevent the slowdown in the economy,has made the economic construction of new achievements, which achieves both "thegrowth, the livelihood of the people, the stable" goal, and make our country economy,economic structure adjustment and the open economy has made new achievements.The scientific concept of development in economic construction in the newdevelopment has the following features: one is the principal value and human naturemore marked return; two it is the development of the areas to be expanded and threelayers and level in the new ascension. In the core of the concept of scientific development, from the "people-oriented" to "pay more attention to people’slivelihood", further deepening the people-oriented scientific connotation; Establishthe scientific development as the theme, deepening the understanding of thedevelopment; Puts forward speed up the transformation of the mode of economicdevelopment, the importance and urgency, guiding ideology, the significance andmethods had a deeper understanding; In the economic structure adjustment thaturgency, and ascend to the national strategy, and puts forward a series of adjust thethought and the measure; Rural reform and development has achieved a newbreakthrough, accurate positioning the rural reform and development historicalposition, deepened to the understanding of the modern agriculture, analyzes thepresent existing problems, and puts forward a new reform measures; The regionaleconomic development strategic goals and tasks have the new variety, acceleratingthe construction of the main body function region, enriching the area the law ofdevelopment new knowledge, and put forward the "urban agglomeration and urbancircle and the industry chain" and so on the new development philosophy, so that theregional development theory more perfect; Analysis of the "to speed up theeconomic development mode change" international and domestic factors,summarizes the "foreign economic development mode" the disadvantages, and putsforward the strategic adjustment of the route choice, this paper expounds thesignificance of the speed up the adjustment; Puts forward "up information andindustrial integration", deepening of two of the "new understanding of the fusion ofstrategy, the system reform, path selection and significance on the urgency of theaccelerating discussed; The deepening of "the strategy of reinvigorating, talentpower strategy" the understanding,"building the innovative country" the idea ofmore clear, the path more clearly, this paper expounds the "building the innovativecountry" of economic development of the big supporting role.The political, cultural, and social and ecological construction coordinationdevelopment, the scientific concept of development in the new development ofeconomic construction to the political, cultural, and social and ecological civilizationconstruction development put forward new requirements, to a more comprehensivepromoting economic construction, to make the scientific concept of development ofnew developed into a complete system. First promoted the political construction.Economic construction and political construction interdependence, closer, thepolitical construction to put forward new requirements, enriched the Chinesecharacteristic socialism democratic political construction of new connotation, thispaper expounds the Chinese characteristic democratic political construction path andsignificance; Second is promoting the culture construction. The culture constructionof elaborated profoundly important strategic significance, and points out the to speedup the reform of the cultural system and puts forward the important meaning tospeed up the cultural construction method and must adhere to the principle of theimportant. The third is promoting the society construction, this paper expounds thestrategic significance of social construction, this paper analyzes our country’seconomic and social development uncoordinated reasons and puts forward the pathchoice of speeding up the construction, and speeding up the construction of theobjectives and tasks. The fourth is promoting the construction of ecologicalcivilization. The development of economy to ecological environment has brought great pressure, deepened to speed up the construction of ecological civilization theimportance of understanding, this paper expounds the construction of ecologicalcivilization to speed up the strategic significance, and put forward the construction ofecological civilization to speed up the new goals and tasks, and speed up theconstruction of ecological civilization of the path.The scientific concept of development to guide the success with economicconstruction, and deal with economic construction environment in the process ofchange, deepen the understanding of the laws of economic construction, andeconomic construction of complex environment for the scientific development viewalso provide practical platform, theory foundation has been further solidify, a furtherdeepen understanding, have been further rich connotation, the scientific concept ofdevelopment in practice to take new development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific concept of development, Economic construction, Newdevelopment research
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