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Research On Green Supply Chain Decision-making Mechanism Of Power Grid Enterprise Material

Posted on:2016-01-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330470472150Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of national economy, the power grid enterprises in our country have been promoted in asset size, service performance and many other aspects. On the other hand, the power grid enterprises in the intermediate link of the industry chain are under multiple pressures including collaboration with upstream power generation enterprises, requirements of downstream terminal users and supervision of government. Optimizing the structure of capital, reducing the operating costs and adapting to the demand changes has become the reality issues of the enterprises. The development centrality of power grid enterprises should be gradually shifted from safety production to innovation ability, management ability and service ability. The reinforcement to operational coordination, implementation of intensive management and centralized control to capture the three main line-"people, wealth and object"-has become the important content of management of power grid enterprises.As the strategic resource, materials are closely related to the capital structure and operating costs of power grid enterprise. The performance of material supply, waste materials disposal and other businesses directly affect the profit of power grid enterprises. The establishment of material supply chain system has become the tendency of materials management in power grid enterprise, given the existing problems of the material management. At the same time, under the pressure of resource shortage and environmental protection, power grid enterprises must take the road of sustainable development and the implementation of green supply chain management has become the inevitable choice of materials management in power grid enterprise.This article is based on the green supply chain theory and connected with the reality of material management in power grid enterprise, puts forward the framework of the green supply chain management system of grid materials, then conducts the in-depth discussions around the decision-making mechanism of green supply chain and expects to provide certain reference for the decision-making of green material supply chain of power grid enterprises. The main research contents are as follows:First, according to the characteristics of materials management in power grid enterprise and based on the analysis of key business and existing problems, this article points out that to construct material supply chain system is the trend of materials management development in power grid enterprise. Combined with the current strategic adjustment of national energy, the main framework of constructing management system of green material supply chain in power grid enterprise has been put forward. Its decision mechanism is mainly composed of cooperative partner selection, coordination of supply chain operation, evaluation of supply chain performance and analysis of decision-making behavior etc.Second, cooperative partner selection is the basis for the establishment of green material supply chain. This article preliminarily constructs the evaluation index of strategic supplier before filtering the index by information gain method; then evaluates the relative efficiency of green suppliers using the data envelopment and obtains the preferred option of supplier under constant returns to scale and variable returns to scale using the DEAP2.1 software.Third, the coordination mechanism of green supply chain is the operational security for green supply chain of grid material. After constructing the two level supply chains between power grid equipment supplier and power grid enterprises, and between power grid enterprises and recyclers, the conclusion is reached that power grid enterprises can improve the benefit of the whole supply chain and the environmental benefit at the same time under centralized coordination decision by applying the analysis of dynamic game model. And the research on three level supply chain of network equipment supplier, power grid enterprises and recycling operators can also draw the conclusion that centralized decision is better than the decentralized decision-making, and verified by numerical simulation analysis.Fourth, evaluation of green supply chain is an operation performance reflection for green supply chain of grid materials and an important means of feedback correction of the supply chain operation. Based on the analysis of green supply chain performance evaluation, this article constructs performance evaluation indicator system of grid material green supply chain formed by performance of power grid enterprises, co operational performance of supply chain, development ability of supply chain; then takes a provincial electric company as an example to conduct the evaluation analysis of comprehensive performance of supplies green supply chain evaluation by using catastrophe progression method.Fifth, the behavior analysis is the theoretical discussion of green mode selection by supply chain members. Guided by the evolutionary game theory, the game models were separately constructed between the power grid enterprises and the government, the power grid enterprises and the suppliers, and among power grid equipment suppliers. Analysis showed that government policy and law enforcement promote the choice of green mode of power grid enterprises. The preferential policies on the supplier’s from power grid enterprises can also play a role in the diffusion of supplier’s green mode under certain conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:power grid enterprises, materials management, green supply chain, decision-making mechanism
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