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Research On Construction Of Logistics System Of Animal Husbandry In China

Posted on:2016-07-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330473456325Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the ceaseless improvement of people’s living quality, proportion of animal husbandry output value in the agricultural output increased year by year. At present, our country of the world’s first production of meat and eggs, milk production of the third largest in the world, the consumption of meat has reached the level of moderately developed countries. But the logistics development of China’s animal husbandry is slow, hindered the healthy development of animal husbandry. In the process of production and circulation in our country, small scale, low degree of specialization and organized logistics subject, professional third party logistics are weak; Poor logistics technology conditions, special logistics technology and equipment investment insufficiency, the weakness of cold chain technology, informationization level is low, not form the joint logistics system. Various led the animal products in China logistics cost is high, the animal products quality safety problems, affects people’s health life. Therefore, how to reduce logistics costs, improve animal husbandry animal husbandry logistics efficiency on the basis of guarantee the quality safety of livestock product circulation and become China’s animal husbandry logistics management needs to solve the problem. This article attempts to from the perspective of supply chain management, according to the development of our country the development of information technology and animal husbandry, construct to adapt to the animal husbandry economy development of our country’s animal husbandry logistics system.Firstly,this Paper study the foreign relevant theories and research of animal husbandry logistics system, the system of animal husbandry, animal husbandry logistics, cold chain logistics, food quality traceability system, and defining the basic concepts and Internet of this paper. With the guidance of the theory of large system theory, the theory of supply chain and logistics, find a foothold and starting point of China’s animal husbandry logistics system, the theory basis for the research of this paper.Secondly, through animal husbandry logistics macro environment analysis subject analysis, animal husbandry, animal husbandry circulation circulation channels analysis points out the main livestock industry logistics in our country existing small scale, poor conditions of logistics technology, low degree of information technology, food quality and safety problems, not form a joint logistics system and a series of problems, into this paper analyzes the formation mechanism of the above problems, the construction of logistics system find the entry point for the livestock industry. And through the comparative analysis of animal husbandry logistics system in the United States and Japan, summarized its animal husbandry logistics in the main body, circulation channels, the characteristics of the service system and quality traceability system, and further analyzes its logistics system operation environment, provide a reference for the construction of animal husbandry logistics system of our country.Again, through the questionnaire and on-the-spot interviews, to understand the logistics demand of China’s animal husbandry current main body different. The conclusion is:the farmers/livestock producers of basic production data such as transportation, distribution and other logistics services have a large demand, at the same time hope that through the network platform, information platform and management information system to better grasp the market information. Animal products processing enterprises for cold chain service and management information system has great demand, hope to get the logistics standardization of technical training, training and quality certification training. Attached great importance to animal products retail organization guarantee of product quality. Consumers, attaches great importance to the quality of animal products information, price information, origin of information acquisition, demand for animal products quality traceability system is urgent. In animal husbandry on logistics system construction, therefore, should highlight the main points of informatization, network and quality traceability.After, according to the animal by-products circulation of logistics demand, from the supply logistics system of animal husbandry and animal products production and sales of logistics system and the waste logistics system of animal husbandry logistics system in three dimensions. On the circulation of feed, dominated by leading enterprises of supply chain collaboration; On the good circulation, well-bred breeding organization to match the third party logistics organization of specialized logistics system; Production sales link dominated by animal products processing enterprises and the double circulation system dominated by wholesale market, abandoned logistics links feed of livestock feces, fertilizer and energy. And discusses the way of realization of each logistics system, and analyzes its implementation elements. From logistics, cold chain technology, information technology, the information platform, the standardization system four aspects in detail describes the structure of the elements of a modern animal husbandry logistics system. RFID, GPS, GIS is discussed in the popularized and applied in the logistics system of animal husbandry, animal husbandry, to establish the system of cold chain logistics public information platform and animal husbandry, animal husbandry iot system for traceability system implementation and the construction of animal husbandry standardization system.Finally, the animal husbandry of the construction of the logistics system to promote measures are put forward. Include strengthening government planning and formulation of laws and regulations, encourage the development of e-commerce, logistics organizations and animal husbandry to promote quality traceability system construction, logistics standardization construction, cold chain and logistics information system construction. And the full text research contents, conclusion and summarizes the direction of further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animal Husbandry, Logistics System, Information Technology, Quality Tracking
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