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The Discourse In Modern Chinese Poetics(1917-1937)

Posted on:2003-10-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360065460696Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prend dissertaion, using the modem westem way of anaiysis and some.concendng acadendc achievement fOr reference, aAns tO eXPoUnd the discourse inmodem Chinese poetics betWen l9l7 and 1937. It discusses the shaPing mechedsmand M of existene of the discourse in modam Chinse poehcs from thepersPechve of forms (how to exPress ideas) instead of tha of concePts' (What toexpress). rus creative descriPtion and analysis of the POetic discourse is a newattemP to aPPly comparaive liter3ry theory to the field ofmodam Chinese poetics.The dissertaion mainl discusses four aspects of discourse, i.e. subject, mode,text and theoretical develoPment and accordingly consistS of four partS, which areconnected with the logical relationship. Poetics discourse, just lthe any discourse, is adiscursive Pratice, which as prachce requires, is a process that has subject, modeand outcome. The SUbect Qf discourse is rather decisiYe of the tyPes andcharaCteristics of itS mode. wnle its prachce comes out tO be visfole and readabletexts, consideration of which will find the deyeloping tendncy Qf the wholediscourse during a ceha period.The dissertaion consists of altOgether siX partS. The intrOduodon brieflyexPlains the object, the method, some basic concePts and theoreticai, ~calsighficance of the StUdy. in. ChaPter I, the subject of discourse in modem Chinesepoetics is studied in tail from the two perspectives of knowledge structure and cultural identity, in the setting of cultural spreading from the West to the East, with the consideration of modern educational system, media modes and living experience of intellectuals. In Chapter II, the author lists out several modes of discourse and describes their features and shaping causes respectively. In Chapter HI, the author characterizes six types of discourse texts and categorizes them into three distinctions. In Chapter IV ,through the detailed consideration and dialectical analysis of traditional and western discourses, which are at the same time contradictory and converging, it reveals 'the tendency that the discourse in modern Chinese poetics not only criticizes and deduces traditional discourse, but also absorbs essence and misunderstand western discourse. The conclusion generally analyzes why it casts off traditional influence and turn to western discourse. It also gives some brief comments on the discourse strategies prevailing in the circle of poetics and describes reasonably the prospects of the developing tendency and state of existence of the discourse in contemporary Chinese poetics.
Keywords/Search Tags:The discourse in modern Chinese poetics( 1917-1937), Subject, Mode, Text, Theoretical development
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