On The Historic Relation Between Naxi And Tibetan | Posted on:2004-10-20 | Degree:Doctor | Type:Dissertation | Country:China | Candidate:X Y Zhao | Full Text:PDF | GTID:1115360095453631 | Subject:Special History | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | On the rich historic resources of documents and ethnic annals, the author probes the original relation and the relation during the 7-20th century between Naxi and Tibetan, and its reasons and characteristics, together with the author's fieldwork at Naxi areas. Some new ideas are put forth. The research promotes and complements the study on the relation of Naxi and Tibetan, which is of great importance to the union of all the nations in China.The scientific method was adopted to study the culture of Naxi in the late 19th century. At first, the research emphasized on the language and characters, together with some study on the questions such as the relation between Naxi and Tibetan. So the study was a key topic in the study of historic relation between Naxi and Tibetan. But the study was not complete during more than 100 years. Generally speaking, the relation between Naxi and Tibetan was not regarded as an important topic though the study has lasted for more than 100 years. It was only included while the study on the language, characters, religion and culture was carried on. From 1980 on, some academic papers have talked about the relation, but the depth is somewhat shallow. Especially the systematic study in a historic way is needed. At the same time, the study is not concentrated and some blanks need to be filled in.This dissertation put the emphasis on the relation between Naxi and Tibetan because of the following three reasons. Firstly, some papers on special topic only paid attention to some aspects or some period, and the systematic study in a historic way is absent. Secondly, the typical meaning of minorities in the relation between Naxi and Tibetan can enrich the knowledge on therules of the ethnic relation in the southwest of China. Thirdly, though the relation between Naxiand Tibetan is regional, the topic can widen the study field of ethic relation and can enrich the knowledge of the union of nations in ChinaAccording to the specific conditions, the study on the historic relation between the two nations is divided into two parts (the original relation and the historic relation in different periods ). At the same time, the connection is also considered.The first part reviews the situations of the relation between Naxi and Tibetan, and gives a general idea on the choice of the topic, the resources of the documents, the principles of the research, ways of thought and the structure of the dissertation. After the general statement, the original relation between Naxi and Tibetan and the relation during 7th 20th century were probed in four parts.For the study on the relation and its character, the second part probes the original relation between Naxi and Tibetan in five sections. According to the documents, ethnic annals, archeological study and fieldwork, the original relation between the two nations and its character are analysed. The original relation existed because of ancient Qiang, which is the basis of the study on the ethnic religion and culture.The period of 7th 13th century was important for the relation between Naxi and Tibetan. For the complete knowledge for the two peoples and its character, in the 3-4th parts, the relation is studied in four aspects. And in the parts of The Distribution of Naxi in 7th 13th Century and The Political Relation in and after the Government of Tufan, the distribution of Naxi and the necessity to spread to the south are probed. The relation after the government of Tufan is also analysed to point out the climax and the low ebb because of the Tufan forces effect. In the part The spread and effect of Tibetan religion and culture in the Naxi area, the effect of Tibetan religion on the religion and culture of Naxi is outlighted, which is of great importance to the appearance of Dongba religion and the ideography.From the middle of 13th century, the relation between Naxi and central government came to be close, and the relation between Tibetan also came to a new stage. For the change and its character of the relation...
| Keywords/Search Tags: | Naxi, Tibetan, ancient Qiang people, ethnic origin, Tubo government,Mushi Tusi, northwest of Dian, lower part of Yalong river,DongBa culture, melting, national relation | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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