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Study On The Documents Of Zhuozhuan In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2009-08-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360245996196Subject:Chinese classical literature
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Zuozhuan is Confucian classics that explains simply recorded events of Spring and Autumn Annals with rich Historical materials. Which make all kinds of events and meanings clearly in lections. As the largest lection of Confucianism written before the pre-Qing days , because it contains abundant historical cultural information, and lofty narrative skills, It not only is a classic but also an outstanding history and literary book seeing by today's sight. Based on opinions about that, this thesis employs philology, metric-philology, bibliography, theory of literature etc, in order to study the studying achievements of Zuozhuan in Qing Dynasty which had the essential peculiarity of textual research-ology. and which are by and large classified explanation on the meanings of lections, textural criticism, collation, history and literature. so that all kinds of characteristics and academicals the philological achievements of Zuozhuan are generalized. The paper not only reviews various researching achievements in history, the more important ,it analyses typical works from deeply points of view, so that general characteristics and academic values are summarized.The researching works on meanings of lections of Spring and Autumn Annals are dominating of all the same ones. The three monographs of Spring and Autumn Annals published by Qung dynasty tried hard to cast off the authority of Hu's explanations on Spring and Autumn Annals which held on official status of academics for several ceturise, and criticized fiercely and winkled many ethical viewpoints that could not accord with ethics of the new dynasty, especially Mr Hu had propagandized strictly differentiating Chinese between minorities and avengement, in order to rebuild a new system of explanations on Spring and Autumn Annals according to Zhuxi', ideology of Lixue his viewpoints of Spring and Autumn Annals,and which became the main trends in studying Spring and Autumn Annals at the beginning of Qi dynasty. Those works that Sikuquanshu embodied must chime in with the viewpoints of Qing dynasty , and refused to embody the ones which did not accord with the official criterions in clouding some famous scholars' researching works.Because lots of scholars at the beginning of Qing dynasty rethought and criticized the theoretic studying styles of Song & Ming Lixue, additionally, rigorous reign on thought and culture, most scholars in academe became surefooted. GuYanwu and some other scholars claimed that Confucian classics were Lixue was responded by academe, and the science of textual research he sparkplug which was used to exercise the knowledge of Confucian classics into social practicality developed adequately. With the subjects of philological studies developing fully, the golden times of the textual research came in the academe in Kangxi's later years.Plentiful and excellent studying achievements were achieved in rectifying and supplementing Du's annotations and Kong' demonstrations on Zuozhuan by using the methods of textual research. Because of many well-known scholars joined, such as GuYanwu, HuiDong, WangYinzhi and his father,Jiaoxun,Hongliangji and so on, Du's annotations and Kong' demonstrations on Zuozhuan which had been regarded as authority since Tang Dynasty were found that there were a good many mistakes by many scholars strictly researching, including words annotations, explaining of some social systems, even some ethical commentaries. As far as known, there are about 30 works and notes rectifying and supplying Du's annotations and Kong' demonstrations on Zuozhuan. It needed profound knowledge of history, philological studies and skills of textual research for the scholars, so those studying achievements present the essential peculiarity of the systematic learning from one side.During the times of Qian & Jia in Qing Dynasty, it was that worshiped Han Study held the mainstream in academe. Some scholars who studied Zuozhuan began to put their attention into the interpretations of Sinologists, including JaKui, FuQian, etc. So it was became fashionable to collect the old interpretations of some scholars for some of the scholars in Han Dynasty. the total amount of works of collecting is at least fifty. The followingscholars,suchasYanwei,ZangShougong,HongLiangji,LiYide,LiuWenqi,MaGuo han,Wangmo and Huangshi etc,were representative of those, it was MaGuohan who by himself collected the old interpretations on Zuozhuan arrived at least twenty from Han to Tang dynasties .With the collection and textural research getting along, both Hongliangji and LiuWenqi distinctly found out that Du's annotations and Kong's Kong' demonstrations on Zuozhuan which respectively succeed to the annotations of some scholars of ancient writing in Han Dynasty and old demonstrations of some scholars in the Six Dynasties by textural research. The authority of book named Exegesis on the Interpretation on Chunqiu Written by Zuo and the one Demonstrating on Old Annotations on Interpretations of Zuo came to end finally. And that inspirited some scholars to collect the old annotations of some scholars in Han dynasty so that they could rebuild a new system of demonstrations on base of those old annotations written by the scholars in Han dynasty. of all the kind of works, Mr. LiYide's book named Collection and Demonstrations on the Old by Jia and Fu on Interpretation on Spring and Autumn Annals Written by Zuo and the one named Demonstrations on Old Annotations on Zuozhuan, and the later one was the most outstanding researching achievement of the same works in the whole Qing Dynasty.Of course, it was necessary to collate the words of lections and annotations in Spring and Autumn Annals, and this was the fundamental work if the old annotations were restituted. and the works of collation were considerable, and they displayed quite high level of textural research. And this kind of achievements were able be seen through the whole Qing Dynasty, some scholars and their researching works presented high level of textural research and academics, such as DuanYucai, WangYinzhi, RuanYuan, ZhuJunsheng during Qian & Jia Dynasty,Yuyue and ZhangTaiyan in later Qing Dynasty. Thanks to their studying achievements, the unified text of Zuozhuan would be hopeful.The severe situations of home and aboard in later Qing Dynasy made Gongyang schools revived. LiuFenglu and KangYouwei, the leaders of Gongyang schools respectively wrote their books named Investigation on Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annal and Investigation on Fabricated Confucian Classics for Xin Dynasty respectively, they claimed that Zuozhuan was a forgery by Liuxin who tried to help WangMang usurp the throng at the end of the West Han Dynasty. Furthermore, KangYouwei claimed that all the classics including Zuozhuan written by ancient writing were Fabricated. So the validity of all the classics written by ancient writing were severely queried and assaulted. the opinions of Liu and Kang above were also criticized and retorted by some scholars in the academe at that time. Some opponents, such as Liaoping, ZhangTaiyan,LiuShipei etc, refuted Liu and Kang's points of views with many inner and outer evidences by meticulous textural research. At last the opinions that Zuozhuan was fabricated was overthrown ultimatelyThe number of the scholars and their researching works which studied Zuozhuan from the point of history were plentiful and substantial. such as The Whole Story of ZuoZhuan written by Masu, The Stories from Beginning to end on ZuoZhuan written by GaoShiqi, and there were good many works which studied on the special topics of ZuoZhuan, and they were dominating achievements of textural research from the points of view of history. Such researching work needed not only solid professional knowledge, rigorous textural researching skills and scientific ways.The topics researching on Zuozhuan are divided into eight kinds, they are: the study on geography of the lections and interpretations on Spring and Autumn Annal, the study on characters and their names, the study on pedigrees of aristocrats, the study on calendar, the study on ceremony, the study on civil service systems, the study on the names and description of things and the study on military science. in addition, there were several scholars spent large energy in studying special topics of contents of ZuoZhuan synthetically, such as the Tabulation of Great invents in Spring and Autumn Annal by GuDonggao, The Common Interpretations on Zuozhuan and The Collecting Convergences of Zuozhuan, etc.It needed developed science of calendar ,great and rigid professional knowledge and textural research to study on calendar special topics above, the science of calendar and textural research skills had greatly developed, and it provided with advanced researching tools to study the calendar knowledge in Spring and Autumn Annals, according to the statistics, there are about twenty works on calendar, and the number of researching works on geography is about twenty-five.The study on military science of Zuozhuan and the study on the appliance and the buildings are the important parts of the paper, besides calendar achievements, etiquette and custom, geography, names of people, the systems of bureaucracy ,and the pedigree of aristocrats, especially the book written by LiYuanchun has both quite valuable in commenting literature and value of military science.The ninth chapter mainly deals with the studying achievements of grammar on Zuozhuan, the total number of this kinds of books which can be seen is about twenty, and most of which were written during the beginning of Qing Dynasty. Most of the works are the one which mainly study and appraise the narrating ways of Zuozhuan, of cause, some of them some times appraise other grammar points such as aesthetics, rhetorical problem, semantic technique, and other grammar problems. The works that can be found written by Wang Yuan, FengLihua, Fangbao etc, are worth of good academic value, in addition, there are two books which manly compile some sentences in rhymes, the same contents are clustered just like clustering genuine pearls. The kind books are fit for learners.The last chapter of the paper evaluates synthetically various researching works on Zuozhuan. It tries to generalize concisely the characteristics and their merits and defects of all kinds of these documents in compact language and with the possibly accurate numbers. Of cause it is compulsory and necessary to make the evaluation comprehensively and justly.To sum up, the number of works on Zuozhuan left by scholars in Qing Dynasty is about three hundred ,which relate to many aspects, including study Confucian classics, history, philology, literature, science of military and science of culture and so on. The researching achievements on Zuozhuan are more abundant in Qing Dynasty than in any other dynasty. The works are valuable history documents which are worth studying, analyzing and summarizing, especially those works reflecting the value of textural research are essential of all the ones.
Keywords/Search Tags:documents of Zuozhuan in Qing Dynasty, classifying research, characteristic and appraise, history of academy
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