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The Research On The Noun-phrases As Predicate

Posted on:2010-10-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360278454439Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ⅰ.Some terms in the thesis:1 ."Nouns'Vhich include noun-phrases,quantitative-phrases and pronoun-phrases.2. "Noun as predicate" indicates that nouns act as predicate.3. "The sentence of noun as predicate" involves "noun-phrasal sentences" and "noun-phrases as predicate".4. "ShuYu" aims to the part which act as predicate in the sentence. "Subject" is the part opposite to "ShuYu" which take the lead of the sentence.5.To observe the phenomenon all-sided, the "sentence" in the thesis include the subordinate clause and the true sentence.The noun-phrases in the thesis indicate an intensive conception which include noun-sentences and noun-phrases as predicate. Let's take a look:A."心内一上一下."The predicate seems a kind of noun-phrases, but possessing a kind of dynamic meaning. Thus it is beyond the scope of our topic。B."小明!","爷爷!"They are nouns. But they are not taking the role of narrating, the other way round, they take the role of denotative. Thus they are beyond the scope of our topic。c. ("要什么?")——"两个烧包子"。As"两个烧包子"occurred in the answering structure, it is also out of our topic.D."(只见那边来了一僧一道:)那僧癞头跣足,那道跛足蓬头."The noun-phrase is a kind of supplement information for the foregoingcomponent. It takes the role of Complement Object. Therefore, it is not within thetopic of our research.E."第一个叫韩二,第二个车淡。"In this sentence,the second clause is composed of noun phrases. As it is omitted from the same verb. We don't take this phenomena intoour consideration.Ⅱ.The factor of noun-phrases as predicate1.Thought-relevant factor: (1) Logical factor which contains a kind of logic relation.For instance:"Identical connection":丘,聚也。(《尚书》·卷第一·8)墙上挂着一把剑——一件真正的古代的兵器。(汪曾祺·寂寞和温暖,238)"Generic connection":列爵惟五。(《尚书》·卷第一·8)上下两层楼。(《儿女英雄传》·32回,418)"Assumptive and qualificational connection":一手粮,一手钱。(《艳阳天》,322)夫战,勇气也。(《左传》·庄公十年)"Cause and Effect connection":日短星昂,以正仲冬。(《尚书》·卷第二·40)"Annectent connection":那么大树,只一点子叶子。(《红楼梦》·51回,640)(2) Meaning-associate factor those subjects and predicates belong to different categories. We got their meaning by virtue of meaning-association.For instance:"result" and "event or manner":少皞氏鸟名官。(《左传》·昭公十七年)"manner or state" and "result":距跃三百,曲踊三百。(《左传》·僖公二十八年)"parts" and "interger":釜十则钟。(《左传》·昭公三年)"temperal or apatial" and "affect object":百年丘墟。(《世说新语》·轻诋第二十六? 447)"subjective object "and "impersonal object":每人两盒细茶食。(《金瓶梅》·489)"time" and "space":夜则山野头陀。(祖堂集卷十七·557)"instrument" and "object":筐篚苞苴。(《世说新语》·栖逸第十八·361)"time frequency" and "quantity frequency":一天一节儿。(《艳阳天》,763)2. Intuition-thought factor:(3) Noun images are putting together which embody a kind of Intuition-thought of things. Forinstance:夏之日,冬之夜。(《诗经》·葛生·183)黍稷重(?),禾麻菽麦。(《诗经》·七月·230)(4) Intuition-thought factor about time which exhibit a kind of lasting meaning and changing meaning.A.forperiod:昆明七八年。(《汪曾祺》·老鲁,24)好人不长寿,祸害一千年。(《金瓶梅》·1051)B.forchanging:一个星期了。(《艳阳天》,719)一把胡子了。(《汪曾祺》·大淖记事,275)(5) Intuition-thought factor about space:A.for acreage:沃野万里。(《三国志》·卷五十四·周瑜鲁肃吕蒙传第九·1269) B. for distance:通共十来里路。(《儿女英雄传》·22回,263)C.about existance:前面一对明角灯。(《红楼梦》·14回,155)D.occurance and happeness:已而又一男。(《金瓶梅》·1486)(6) Intuition-thought factor about property:A.for the person's property:吾侪小人。(《左传》·襄公三十年)B.for the place's property:驾,良邑也。(《左传》·襄公三年)C.for the abstract thing's property:让,德之主也。(《左传》·昭公十年)D.for the event's property:凶人不终,命也。(《左传》·昭公二年)E.subjective property:牛头宗六枝。(祖堂集卷三·97)F.possessive property:您就她这么一个亲人。(《艳阳天》,1255)G.comparative or assimilateproperty:其言粪土也。(《左传》·襄公十四年)温挺义之标,庾作民之望。(《世说新语》·文学第四·140)3. Rhythm factor:(7) in a balance structure:昔年汉主,今日吾君。(祖堂集卷十一·385)一半骄傲,一半反抗。(《汪曾祺》·复仇,8)父南子北。(《金瓶梅》·1225)(8) reduplicate and recursive structure:一程一程。(《儿女英雄传》·36回,505)一命二运三风水。(《儿女英雄传》·386回,535)(9) "idiomatic structure" or "a certain sentence pattern".The structure of "Zhe--Ye":龙者,君之象也。(《三国志》·卷三十二·先生传第二·888)The structure of"一MN,又一MN":一箱子,又一箱子。(《艳阳天》)A quantitive structue to describe the situation:一时两道啼痕,一张笑脸。(《儿女英雄传》·22回,275)A certain pattern of rhythm:伊西我在东,何日重逢?(《金瓶梅》·827)Interrogative shows rhetoric:什么黄忠,绿忠的?(《艳阳天》,791)4. Meaning-present factor:The nouns under this factor mainly objective natural enviroment or about social cultural content. Their meaning are not ambiguitious. The categories of the nouns are associate with the matter directly. We can got their meaning at the first sight or at the first hearing.(10) The noun-phrases under Meaning-present factor involving the sort of " age","name","the place of birth","identy","apperance","outlook","fete-day", "weather","disaster","speech","drink and food","singing and dancing","seats","toy","blessing" and so forth.For instance,夜大雪。(《世说新语》·任诞第二十三·408)一连五天好日头。(《艳阳天》,1771)纵鲁骖乘。(《左转》·昭公二十年)晚生粗鄙下士(《红楼梦》·10回,122)管仲霸者之佐。(《三国志》·卷二十四·韩崔高孙王传第二十四·692)我行三。(《儿女英雄传》·33回,447)我虞美人。(《金瓶梅》·258)羽美须髯。(《三国志》·卷三十六·关张马黄赵传第六·940)5. Modality and affectional factor:(11) Modality factor, including interrogative,rhetorical,suggestive and respective mode:Interrogative mode:何故戎服?(《左传》·襄公二十五年)Rhetorical mode:岂其取妻,必齐之姜?(《诗经》·衡门·205)Suggestive mode:盖是贡禹,雨龚之匹。(《三国志》·卷十一·袁张凉国田王邴管传第十一·366)Respective mode:先生请茶。(《红楼梦》·10回,123)(12) Affectional factor, including derogatory sense,commendatory sense and neutral sense:Commendatory sense:好大一座庙!(《汪曾祺》·受戒,213)雨村兄真抱负不凡也!(《红楼梦》·1回,8)Derogatory sense:你们这一起糊涂王八崽子!(《红楼梦》·119回,1506)Neutral sense:真早班呀!(《艳阳天》,1263)实在的事儿嘛!(《艳阳天》,824)To attach: The factors for the engendering of noun-phrases as predicate are mainly take the angle from the prominent element. That's to say, the factors are not parallel but intercross.Ⅲ. the attributes of the form of noun-phrases as predicate1. The noun-phrases as predicate mostly are centripetal which include the form of "N+ N","Adj+N"," Adv+N","Num+ (N)". Meanwhile there are complementaryform, for instance:我这锯了嘴的葫芦似的。(《儿女英雄传》·19回,228)。2. The structurs of noun-phrases as predicate are simple as well as complicated.Compliacated propotional form:茶叶,煤球都一会儿一个价钱。Transporsition between numeral words and noun:他的嘴里谎话一大堆。 There are adverbial before the subject:我们大家一个目的。她头胎男孩,二胎女孩。There are adverbial between the subject and "ShuYu":他们俩正好一对儿。她整个一东方美女。The order of the attributives in the predicate is flexible. For instance, we can say"中间羊肠一条石子漫的甬路"as well as"中间一条羊肠石子漫的甬路"。3. As the sentences of noun-phrase as predicate are driven by expressing what they want to express more straghtly .They present themselves mainly in a positive pattern, but sometimes in a negative pattern.For instance::楚不几十年。(《左传》·襄公二十八年)其丽不亿。(《诗经》·文王·407)自去冬十二月至此月不雨。(《三国志》·卷四·三少帝纪第四,119)兵不一旅。(《三国志》·卷五十八·陆逊传第十三,1350)The percentages of the positive and the negative pattern in our analysis shows as follows:4.The noun-phrase can act as predicate by themselves. For instance:"我上海人","今天星期五","明天二十六号".They have a restriction in the meaning sometimes. For instance, we can not drop"好","一对","又","这么"in these sentences"姑娘好性儿","前面一对明角灯",Sometimes, they have a restrictio in the rhythm and in the structure. .For instance,"一半男人,一半女人"has a parallel structure; and there is a dot in the sentence"刘翔,体育健儿的榜样".5.When the subjects and the "ShuYu" are dependable, their orders are changeable.For instance, we can say"三大碗(酒)一个(人)"as well as"一个(人)三大碗(酒)",and"两个人一床被子"as well as"一床被子两个人"。When there is a basic point in the sentence or there is a kind of dominated relation between the subject and the "ShuYu", their orders are unchangeable.For instance,"(禾苗)一天一节儿"can not chang into"一节儿一天""一箭三雕"can not change into"三雕一箭".Ⅳ. the noun-phrases as predicate in a certain era1. The review for the noun-phrases of the ancient time:Take the Book of Odes,the Legend of Zuo,the Book of History as an example.(1) the factors of noun-phrases as predicateThe trend of the factors of noun-phrases as predicate in the ancient times is roughly: Intuition-thought factor ( 39% ) > Thought-relevant factor ( 26% ) > Meaning-present factor (18%) > Modality and affectional factor (11%) >Rhythm factor (7%) .Therinto, the noun-phrasal sentences out of thought-relevant factor is the majority factor which account for 64%.We need to declare, the statistics is just for your reference rather than as an absolute figure. As the books are limited in our thesis and the factor of noun-phrases as predicate changes as the content and the style of the author change.There are noun-phrasal sentences out of temporal intuition-thought factor, but didn't find noun-phrasal sentences out of spatial intuition-thought factor. Meanwhile, the noun-phrasal sentences out of temporal intuition-thought factor show a lasting and continuing meaning rather than a changing meaning.(See the details in Chapter One)Thanks to the different content and different author, the noun-phrasal sentences shows a different character. For instance, the Book of History is a kind of history records, thus there are iust three cases of noun-phrasal sentences out of modality and affectional factor which; while the Book of Odes shows an evident subjectivity and rhythm.(2) the form of noun-phrases as predicate:The trend of the forms of noun-phrases as predicate in the ancient time roughly is: "N" (29%) >"N+N" (23.3%) >"Num+N" (23%) >"Adj+N" (7.7%) >"others" (9%) >"Adv+N" (8%)。Absolutely, the form of "N" which due to the character of Chinese language and "N+N" which due to some certain structur in the old times take the majority percentage in the medieval times.2. The review for the noun-phrases of the mediaeval era:Take the Records of Three Kingdoms,Essays and Criticism,the Athology of ZuTang as an example.(1) the factors of noun-phrases as predicateThe trend of the factors of noun-phrases as predicate in the mediaeval times is roughly:Intuition-thought factor ( 29% ) >Meaning-present factor ( 28% ) > Thought-relevant factor (16%) >Rhythm factor (15.3%) > Modality and affectional factor (11.7%).We got the figure under the condition detting rid of exceptional case. For example,there are many noun-phrasal sentences out of modality and affectional factor in the Ahology of ZuTang which account for 23%. Meanwhile as it is a book of zen which pay attention to express sensibl,thus lead to great many of noun-images arranges in line.There are noun-phrasal sentences out of spatial intuition-thought factor in the later part of the mediaeval times. And noun-phrasal sentences out of Meaning-present factor keep the trend in the mediaeval times and has a new growing. As the the knowledge of people are broaden and the thought of people are become rational, the reason of noun-phrasal sentences becomes more abstract and general. For instance,the equal-logical meaning evolves into metaphor one.for example:者,面之山。;and the noun-phrasal sentences out of factor of illuminating person or thing's property evolves into explaining several subjects.for example:今足下与汉中王,道路之人耳.(2) the form of noun-phrases as predicate:The trend of the forms of noun-phrases as predicate in the mediaeval era roughly is: "N" (27%) >"Adj+N" (21.3%) >"Adv+N" (15.7%) >"N+N" (13.3%) >"Num+N" (13%) >"others" (9.7%).In the mediaeval times the form of "N" get fewer than the ancient times. For example, There isn't the form of a single Noun act as predicate in the book Essays and Criticism and the Athology of ZuTang. As it closes up to the ancient times, there are thirteen cases of single noun as predicate in the the Records of the Three Kingdom.The form of "Num+N" represent variety in the mediaeval times which include a kind of affirmative meaning and a general meaning, a virtual meaning and a unvirtual meaning. However, the form of "Num+N" shows a tangible virtual meaning in the ancient times. (See Chapter Two in page 71)The form of "N+N" is on the decrease from the ancient times to the mediaeval times while the form of "Adi+N" is on the increase which bear on the special old structure of "之" and "其". (See the details in Chapter Two in page 73)3. The review for the noun-phrases of the latter era:Take the Golden Lotus,A dream of Red Mansions,the Record of Young Men as an example.(1) the factors of noun-phrases as predicateThe trend of the factors of noun-phrases as predicate in the lattert times is roughly:Intuition-thought factor (35%) > Meaning-present factor (28.3%) > Modality and affectional factor (16.3%)> Thought-relevant factor (8%) >Rhythm factor (7%)。Thought-relevant factor is on the decrease in the latter times. The noun-phrasal sentences out of Meaning-present factor take a large percentage in the latter times and keep on going.As the thought becomes more rational, the intuition-thought factor about propertyis on the insrease. And the form of noun images arranged in line without verbs disappeared in the latter times. With the trend of language becomes more plain, the factor of a certain structure is on the decrease while the percentage of the noun-phrasal sentences out of modality and affectional factor is going up.There are noun-phrasal sentences out of intuition-thought factor in time with a meaning about changing in the latter times. On top of it, the noun-phrasal sentences with quantifiers in the subject and in the ShuYu appears.(2) the form of noun-phrases as predicate:The trend of the forms of noun-phrases as predicate in the latter era roughly is: "Num+N" (47%) >"Adv+N" (15.7%) >"Adj+N" (13%) >"N" (12%) >"others" (8.7%) >"N+N" (3.7%).The form of "Num+N" is on the increase in the latter times by a long way and comes to the prevalent form. The form of "N" keep the growing tendency of the medieval times which owns a large percentage in the history. The form of "N+N" is on the decrease by a long way while the form of "Adj+N" is on the increase to a certain degree. "Adv+N" is a stable one in the multiform of noun-phrases as predicate and the percentage go up a little bit. 4.The review for the noun-phrases of the contemporary era:Take the Sunny Day,The Novel Collection of Wang ZengQi,Camels and XiangZi as an example.(1) the factors of noun-phrases as predicateThe trend of the factors of noun-phrases as predicate in the current is roughly:Intuition-thought factor (36.6%) > Meaning-present factor (22.7%) > Rhythm factor(15.7%) >Thought-relevant factor (14.3%) > Modality and affectional factor(11.7%) o As there are a lot of dialogue in the book the Sunny Day, there are a greatmany of noun-phrasal sentences out of Modality and affectional factor which affectthe percentage.The thought factor is the mainly reason for the noun-phrasal sentences in the current times.Meanwhile, thanks to the psychology of Chinese people and thanks to the flexiblity of nowdays language,there are lots of special structure comes up which lead to the noun-phrasal sentences out of rhythm factor mounting up. Also,as the language becomes more plain, the noun-phrasal sentences out of rhythm factor is on the decrease.(2) the form of noun-phrases as predicateThe trend of the forms of noun-phrases as predicate in the present roughly is: "Num+N" (56%) >"N" (13%) >"Adj+N" (11%) >"others" (9%) >"Adv+N" (6.7%) >"N+N" (5%)。The form of "Num+N" take the majority percentage in the current and on the increase in the Chinese history. The noun-phrases as predicate with the form of "N" and "Adv+N" are important form in the Chinese historyand take a large percentage. The form of is on the decrease while "Adj+N"is on the increase.Ⅴ.Diachronic trend of noun-phrases as predicate1. The diachronic trend of the factors for the noun-phrasal sentences coming intobeing:As the data are influential writings which carry a representaion.Then we can evaluate their significance from their average. Meanwhile, the average of the percentages for the factors in the Chinese language history shows their significance .To declare again, the figures here is just for your reference rather than a rigid criterion.Then we got the figures as the blank shows: To see the trend we draw the picture as follows:Then we got these conclusions:(1) The intuition-thought factor is the dominated one for the noun-phrasal sentences come into being.(2) The meaning-present factor is an important factor for the noun-phrasal sentences come into being which subordinate to the intuition-thought factor. It connected with the characters of the Chinese words.(3) The meaning-present factor is the result of radiated-thought and overall-thought of Chinese people. The meaning-present factor is a subordinate factor for the noun-phrasal sentences coming into being correspondly to intuition-thought factor in ancient times. As people tend to use the language plainly, the thought-relevant factor which shows a rigor logic is on the decrease. However, the microscopical consciousness and the sense got more stronger in nowadays which raise the importance of meaning-present factor.(4) The noun-phrasal sentences out of the rhythm factor shows a certain aesthetic psychology and rhythm-identificatin of Chinese people. The weight of the factor depends on the special structure as well as the motility of people whatever are exerted. The percentage of rhythm factor is large in ancient times because there are a lot of classical structure were used. The significance of the rhythm factor got bigger as the individuation are prominent in nowadays.(5) The meaning are composed of main-meaning and subordinated meaning. The minor percentage of noun-phrasal sentences out of the factor of modality and affection reflect that Chinese is a language which shows a kind of subjectivity.2. The diachronic trend of the form of the noun-phrasal sentences: In the same way, we got the figures as follow:Which shows the trend in the following picture:Then we got the conclusions:(1) The noun-phrasal sentences with the form "Num+N"is on the increase from the latter era and took the dominate position which connected with the quantitive attributes of quantitive words as well as the quantified way for recognizing sth.(2) There is large percentage of the form of "N" in all the era of Chinese language which connected with the Chinese language's character. Chinese lanuage existed mainly single-syllable which can compound other syllable into multi-syllable. The percentage of the form of "N" is on the decrease which shows that Chinese language is getting more plain and earthly. (3)The noun-phrasal sentences with the form"N+N"is on the decrease while the form "Adj+N" is on the increase. It connected with the special structure of "Zhi" and "Qi" as well as the Chinese language property which is interchangable with the their object.(4) The adverb is a kind of functional word which is used for balancing structure and as a modality word. The percentage of the form of "Adv+N" shows that the noun-phrasal sentences appear flexible as well as their subjectivity.(5) As the small percentage of other forms and the unstability in the inner forms shich we call them "others".3. The tend of the evolution(1) Absence→PresentFor instance, the intuition-thought factor about space occurs in later part of mediaeval times. And the intuition-thought factor indicate time changing didn't exist until the latter era. A quantitive structure to describe situation or state is the fact of nowdays.(2) Illth→AbundantFrom the absolute figure, it means the sub-types of the factor are various as the era went on. From the abundance, it means the diversification of the the factor are more and more. They are the reflection of the varity of language as well as the lively ways for expression in the current time.We can got the answer as well from the sheet which shows the nou-phrasal sentences out of the factor of intuition-thought about property and meaning-present:To supplement: these two factors for the noun-phrasal sentences are stable which can be regarded as the abundance.On top of it, the figures of the type of noun phrasal sentences about meaning-present factor in the current timeare fewer than latter times which doesn't mean there are certain factors disappeaed in the current times. The factors for the noun-phrasal sentences in the latter era nearly cover all the factors in the old times as well as the factors in the current times which related to the certain historical position of Chinese later Language to a certain degree. Meanwhile, it related to the content of the book and the style of the author. (3) Material→AbstractlyThe noun-phrasal sentenses out of intuition-thought factor are on the decrease. For instance, the noun-phrasal sentenses out of intuition-thought factor about objects nealy disappear in the lateer era and present.The sub-types of noun-phrasal sentenses envolving into abstract one and adopt the metaphor way shows the trend. For instance, the intuition-thought factor about property expand to character,attitude,and the manners which shows in the examples:他那一种脾气;你这么虔心!(4) Objective→SubjectiveFirstly, the subjectivity of noun-phrasal sentences stands out in the current times. For instance, the noun-phrasal sentences out of the modality and affectional factor which belongs to a secondary meaning and enbody a hominine matter go upSecondly, the noun-phrasal sentencesout of intution-factor and special-structure factor are on the decrease. For instance, there is one case of the noun-phrasal sentence out of special-structure factor in A dream of Red Mansions, four cases in the goCden Lotus which account for 2% and seven cases in the Sunny Day which account for 3%.Ⅵ.The comparison of noun-phrases as predicate in English and Chinese.1. The noun-phrases as predicate in English version.We talk about the noun-phrasal sentences in English version to got a better understanding on the noun-phrasal sentences in Chinese. Let's take true Story of Ah Q and A dream of Red Mansions as an example.(1) Affectional Factor:A. Derogatory sense: You monkey!B.Commendatory sense: Such a magnificent girl!(2) Modality Factor:A. Self-complain: So all my bad luck today!B. Exclamatory: What a fine kite!C. Interrogatory: Something nice for me ?(3) Speech Structure Factor:A.Monolog or hawking language: "Four hundred on the Green Dragon!"B.Structures in balance: a) structures in serials:Ten thousand for the mother pearl, five thousand for the curtain. b) with the qualitative word in the subject and predicate:The regular two taels each.(4) Omisson Factor : (Take one pot to Master Bao,) one to miss Lin. (If one flower is large,) the other small.(5) Information supply factor: (Looked quite down in the mouth,) the picture of gloom.(6) Mimic to the Chinese writing style:A. mimic to the structure: one hill, one water.B. mimic to the ancient Chinese sentence:The good embody pure intelligence, the true essence of heaven and earth.(7) Meaning-present factor. It looks the samt to the Chinese Meaning-represent kind with noun-phrases as predicate. At the same time, the subject and predicate are seperated by the dot.A. Native place: Now this Feng Su, a native of Daruzhou.B. Name: Baoyu's other pages Chuao, Saohong and Moyu.C. Age: JiaRong, twenty.D. Time and Date: The day after tomorrow, the fifth.2. Different attributes of noun-phrases as predicate in EnglishFirstly, the noun-phrases as predicate in Chinese due to five factors: Thought-relevant factor, Intuition-thought factor,rhythm factor,Meaning-present factor and Modality-affectional factor.They are rooted from the Chinese thought and the attributes of Chinese language. However, The noun-phrases in English mainly exist in Modality-factor, Affectional -factor, Speech Structure Factor,mimic factor and Meaning-present factor with a unself-sufficient feeling.There are many noun-phrases as predicate in English looks the same to Chinese but actually with a different matter.That's to say, to the serious sense, there isn't noun-phrases as predicate in English.They are omit,mimic or acquired at the moment.The noun-phrases in English have three attributes: omissin,mimic and occassional. Threinto, omission take the most part. Take A dream of Red Mansions as an example, We analyzed the noun-phrases as predicate in Chinese but translated as verb-sentences into five categories:(1) Add "is/have" :She's only nine. In front of which were two brilliant horn lanterns.(2) Add the semantic verb:A dragon begets nine offspring.The lamps on both sides shed a light bright as day.(3) According the free translation, add the notional verbs under the context:They were laying into Xiao hong in turn.It's a shame to let them go to waste.(4) Change the trim noun-structure into untrim verbal-structure:A thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes bordering on indecency.Pages full of fantastic talk, Penned with bitter tears.(5) Change the structure: with a large bronze foot-warmer under each (was palaced) .Secondly, the noun-phrases as predicate exist in the spoken Chinese all the while as well as the written Chinese. However, the noun-phrases as predicate functioned as statement,commentary and descriptive which are distinguished with the verb-sentenses functioned as narrative in Chinese. Nevertheless, they owe the same function under the condition with or without verb in English.Thirdly, the noun-phrases out of the Meaning-present factor need a dot between the subject and the predicate. At the same same time, it needs other parts or the structure to set off。Otherwise,their meaning are un-intergrated. For instance: "Jia Rong, twenty","Now this Feng Su, a native of Daruzhou" .It sounds there are the other sentence as supplement and people maybe have this kind of expectation。Ⅷ.Noun-phrases in the text with different stylesIn order to check whether the the factors which affect the noun-phrasal sentences to come into being are apporpriate to the special style as well as to see the individualities of the noun-phrasal sentences .The poem and Ci take focus on the function of expressing the writer's feeling, therefore, a lot of noun-phrases in these two styles arised from intuition-thought factor. For instance, the number of this kind of structure in The Three Hundred Tang Poems is about 96.8%, meanwhile, about 91.5% in The Three Hundred Song Cis. In addition, out of the strong rhythm, there isn't noun-phrases with the factor of Meaning-present.The drama in the Yuan Dynast also is a kind of poesy, but a more relax style of writing, thus the noun-phrases in the Yuan Dynasty are more various and abundant.The Proverb is the record of the experience of the work people which shows in the noun-phrases with the thought-factor. Thereinto, 17 cases of Thought-relevant factor which account for 34.7% and 32 cases of intuition-thought factor which account for 65.3%. From the angle of the style of writing, there are 43 cases in 49 cases adopt the structure with quantitative words.It lies on the conception of what the proverb is to a certain degree.There are there ways of noun-phrases existed in the article of political comment: "context factor" which include affectional and Modality factors,"mimic factor" which follow the pattern of the ancient one and "shift factor" which borrowed from the prose .The style is not the determinant of the occurance of noun-phrases as predicate.The expressing function if the key factor of the choice of sentence structure. There are few nou-phrases as predicate in the political comment because of their intention and motive.As we know, Verb as predicate are more meticulous and rigorous than noun-phrases as predicate, while noun-phrases as predicate need the time to associate.
Keywords/Search Tags:noun-phrasesal sentences, intuition-thought, thought-relevant rhythm-structure, meaning-present
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