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Multinational Global Industry Consolidation

Posted on:2004-06-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360122955197Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Global industrial integration means inthe back-grand ofglobalization, the relaxation ofglobal government control,and the development ofglobal communication technology, especially with the proposition of theory of borderless management (qiuzhi Xue, 1997), transnational-corporations take the strategic action courses oftransnational strategicM&A , transnational strategic alliance through different directions, for the sake of monopoly position of global goal industry, and for the sake of unifying the different heterogeneity strategic resource of industry in it.s network andreallocating themunder it.s global strategy to obtain the scale economy, range economy ,and coordinate economy in the world. First, in order to take the deep research of transnational-corporation.s global integration, we retrospect resource-basedtheory at first(chapter 1),and then ,we review the relevant theory of transnational- corporation(chapter 2). On the basis of reviewing forefathers' research results, we put forward our transnational-corporation.s global industrial integration theory (chapter 3). And then, we take the step ofstudying what is key content(What) of transnational-corporation global industrial integration (chapter 4).As we point out, the key content is the strategic resource that the resource-based theory put emphasis on. Besides, from the viewpoint of theory of resource-based, we propose, by the method ofthe strategic integrationto theresource of global industrycan make transnational-corporations obtain the competitive advantage in the global goal industry continuously. Because transnational-corporation.s global industrial integration is tointegratethe global goal strategic resource of industry.So, the following research work is: to integrate the strategic resource, point out the relevant concept of strategic resource,define the relationship of strategic resources and competing advantages, and resolve the problem ofhow to obtainthe strategic resource and the standard to discern the strategic resource. On this basis, we propose one transnational-corporation global industrial integration model (chapter 5)which different from Potter.s competition models, especially, we emphasize transnational-corporation industrial integration isto integrate the whole world supply chain among the global goalindustry, Global customer, local government and competitor .s relevant strategic resource ofthe industry. Next we think, the step we should take is to study which strategic resource have (Which)in the global goal industry and where there are exist(Where). So, We think the key content of transnational-corporation global industrial integration, that.s, the strategic resource,must be exist among the global goal supply chain of the goal industry, the customer, the host country.s local government organization and among the global strategic resource of competitor. By the way of integrating the strategic resources of the global supply chain, global customer, local government organization and global strategic resource of competitors, these strategic resources will be able to be integrated and reallocated under a unified global system of the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Transnational-corporation, Industry, Industrialintegration, Resource, Strategy resource, Industrial integration model
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