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Choice Of Regional Leading Industry : Industrial Structure, Tax Revenues And Index System

Posted on:2005-08-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360125451999Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is well known that the industrial structure and its adjustment is one of the main elements that influence one nation or one region's economic development. It is mainly determined by the choice of the leading industry in terms of a developing nation or a relatively backward region. Therefore, the study of the choice of the leading industry not only has the profoundly theoretical importance but also has its practical meanings, especially for the developing countries like China and the economy-backward regions like Shaanxi province to promote its sound economic development. The choice of leading industry is one of the most effective means of the industrial structure and its adjustment, which is decided by many factors. In the present theories on the evaluation and choice of the leading from the multi-angles and multi-aspects, the more research emphases on the general analysis of the leading industry and its structure and on the common law of the development of the leading industry, but does not pay much attention on the function of the government in the choice of the leading industry and on how the government influences the choice of the leading industrial through certain macroscopic economic policies and action so as to achieve the aim of the choice of the leading industrial and finally promote the rapid development of a national and regional economy.In the view of a government, the annual Tax revenue is one of the important indexes to weigh its influences and economic achievements in the economic development of a nation or a region. Apart from the influence of the economic development and the economic policies, the Tax revenue and its distribution are decided, to a large degree, by the industrial structure and its development of a nation or a region, especially by the right choice of the leading industry. Hence, for a developing nation or a relative backward region, it is important and indispensable to research the internal relationship and interaction between the industrial structure and its adjustment and the Tax revenue. For this purpose, my thesis will take the Tax revenue as the important content and index in the research of the choice of the regional leading industry to make theoretical study and positive analyses of the regional leading industry. Through the analysis of the relationship among the industrial structure and its adjustment and the Tax revenue we find there are considerable close relationships between the Tax revenue and the leading industry, tax revenue policy is the policy premise of the choice of the leading industry, which is in turn to increase the Tax revenue. Therefore, in my view, now that the choice of the leading industry is a government decision behavior, the choice of the leading industry should not be overlooked from the angel of the government control; meanwhile the governmental behavior must conform to the law of the market economic development. And the marketing-oriented choice should be the basis and the yardstick of government's choice of leading industry, which should make the industry possess the comparative and competitive dominance in market, not only with the increase of the domestic product, but also with certain output scale.Combining the characteristic of the domestic regional economic development, with the principle mentioned above, my thesis studies the index system of the choice of the regional leading industry choice and points out the necessity to design the choice of the leadingindustrial from four angles: the tax revenue, the state of the industry, demand and supply, these four technical indexes form the new index system of the choice of the regional leading industrial choice.At last, my thesis analyzes the situation of the tax revenue, the industrial development and the choice of the leading industry in Shaanxi province according to the above theory and the index system, and points out the problems in the tax revenue, industrial structure and industrial development. Furthermore, it explores the various causes of these problems. And some policy suggest...
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax revenue, leading industry, industrial structure, regional economy
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