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.1949-1966 Rural Markets In Northern Trade Changes

Posted on:2006-09-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360152990905Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis recounts the evolutionary course of the rural market's vicissitude with the time's order as a main line, analyzes the background and reason which caused the rural market's vicissitude, and explores the important impact of rural market's vicissitude to the rural area's economical, political, cultural development and the socialism construction.The thesis consists of preface, text.The preface introduces the reason and meaning of choosing the rural market's vicissitude as the study subject, explains the choice of the study subject and definition of many conceptions, specifies the relevant achievement and poor area of the academic study on the history of market trade, and introduces the study method and basic framework of the thesis.The first chapter is on the basic situation of the rural market in north part of Jiangsu province during the recovery period of national economy. The CPC took many measures to develop the economy after founding of the PRC. The measures of disaster-reduction, land reform, the adjustment of the industry and commerce, the implementation of the commercial management of the rural market promoted the restoration and development of the rural economy and the rural market trade. The rural market trade became active, the methods of trade various the goods rich. The organization of state and collective economy such us grain station, supply-selling cooperative commune, had participated the rural market and exerted their important effect gradually with the implementing of series of policies.The second chapter is on the situation of rural market in north part of Jiangsu province around the transition from the new democratic economic system to socialism economic system. The state chose the policy of agricultural product and began the socialism reform of the bourgeois industry and commerce, handicraft and agriculture, the market and trade in rural area changed drastically during the process, the supply-selling cooperative commune in rural area occupied a dominant role in rural market gradually, the construction of town had been strengthened in some degree, the the economic production of the family distorted. The different opinions about the quality of market trade inside the CPC were the direct reason of the continuous change of the policy by exploring the reason of rural market trade. The government replaced the market function in large degree after the socialism reform and elementaryformation of the planned economy system.The third chapter is on the situation of rural market in north part of Jiangsu province during the Big Leap Movement and the three years difficult period. The Big Leap Movement and Movement of people commune changed organization method of the production in rural area and the basic management method of rural commerce. Because of the Big Leap of the state-run commerce and supply-selling cooperative commune, the rural market closed for some time and the market trade strictly forbidden. The rural economy and peasant's life fallen into difficult situation, the black market in rural area prevalent, the price of the commodity jumped or dropped abnormally, the lack of materials of life or production, and the population in rural area decreased abnormally. The state adjusted the policy in order to deprive of difficult situation by reallocating reserved land to commune member, encouraging family economic production, adjusting rural market trade policy, and the rural economy walked out of difficult situation gradually.The fourth chapter is on the situation of rural market in north part of Jiangsu province during the adjustment period of the national economy. The trade in rural market became active gradually and the rural economy restored rapidly since the government adopted some flexible and correct policies. The system of the people commune adjusted frequently, the rural economy developed, the commercial organization adjusted and restored. Another phenomenon emerged in rural area is that the political situation grew more and more Left and the large scale the Four Cleaning Movement began, in...
Keywords/Search Tags:the north part of Jiangsu, rural area, market trade, free market, the CPC, planned economy, the living standard
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