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Study On The Ethnic Separatism In The Post-Cold War Era

Posted on:2006-07-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360155954621Subject:Political Theory
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Nationalism is one of the most powerful forces in the modern world. Nation and nationalism has been a topical research subject for a long time. It was the 18th and 19th century that nation and nationalism got a great deal of development. Although these researches were non-system, it raised the curtain on the studies of nationalism. Systematic academic research on nationalism did not begin until the World War I. With the emergence of three tidy of nationalism, the researches on nationalism are also appearing three climaxes correspondingly. Accompanied with every climax, the researches on nationalism are gradually deepened in the range and depth. Being a type of nationalism, the ethnic separatism is a highly sensitive political topic. The researches of it are rare in the academic circles. Some researches now is all scattered and non-system .The passage study the ethnic separatism in the post-cold war era and give it a Marxism analyses and criticism in the view of history of ideology .The aim of the passage is clarify the main contents and its theoretical origin and establish a model of analyses, which provide the theoretical reference for the solution of Chinese ethnic separatism. The main body of the passage can be divided into six parts. The number one: ordinary explanations on nationalism theories. The first is the problem on the conception and source of nation .To the conception of nation; the most current explanation is the definition of Stalin on nation. Stalin think that the nation is a human community of having common language, common territory, common economic life, common psychological make-up .In my view, I think that the nation can be divided into two meanings: the broad sense and the narrow sense .The former means the nation in the name of country, which may be comprise one nation or multi -nation .The latter means the nation originated from the blood, history and culture .The nation in the dissertation means mainly the latter. What's more, being a historical category, it originated from the individual in the first .It is a communal pattern of history and modern, which experienced a develop course from the individual, clan, tribe, the alliance of tribe to nation. This is a usual law of national forms. The second is the problem of the definition, development and type of nationalism .In the broad sense, nationalism means the idea and emotion that advocate to the pledge loyalty to own nation .It advocate that all people should be pledge allegiance to their nation and its interests .It also advocate all people should have the most loyalty to the own nation .In the narrow sense, it means special political theory and ideology, which think that the nations having common culture, language, religion, custom and history should and have the rights to make up a independent sovereign state or political community . To the development of nationalism, I think that nationalism begun to step the historical stage in the course of from the first psychological needs of group unity to the Crusades 's conquer the East, religion reform and the open up of new shipping line. The course can be deduce to sow of 15th,embryo of 16th,born of 17th,grow of 18th, mature of 19th, disseminate of 20th .The nationalism movements of 20th can be divided into three tidy in the time order .The first is the national liberate movements after World War I .The second is the nationalism independence movements of colonial and semi-colonial people after World War II .The third is the nationalism in the form of ethnic separatism after the cold war. Nationalism can be divided into many different types. The number two: the reason of rising on the ethnic separatism in the post-cold war era. It is multi-facet reasons that initiate the ethnic separatism in the post -cold war. Outward reasons have the exist of the old international political and economical order, the out-of-order of rule because of the dismantle of two-pole pattern, the influence of globalization process .In addition, Inward factors have the error of national policy of relevant countries, the relative deprived psychology, the difference of culture psychology and the interest conflict of modernization .Of course, the above factors are not the only explanations. However, it is a comprehensive outcome of multi -factors. The number three: the main content of the ethnic separatism in the post-cold war era. The main contents of the ethnic separatism in the post-cold war era can be divided into the theories, the strategies and the aim. Separatism theory of ethnic separatism is mainly national self-determination and one nation one state. Number one: National self-determination "National self-determination"is that every nation has deal with his own things independently and the rights to determine their destiny. The idea of self-determination can be dated from the idea of self-govern in the ancient Greece .The self-determination of modern meanings have two different sources .The first is the social contract of modern times 'enlighten thinkers. Whatever the history base of national self-determination, the west firmly believes that the principles of self-determination stem from two philosophy idea: the principle of human equality and the relations of social contract between governor and the governed .The second is national theory of Marxism. The national self-determination of classical writers thinks that the realization of national self-determination is not equal to support the ethnic separatism. The needs is not equal to session or dispatch to build big or little states .It is a mere thorough display of resisting all national oppress .In general, the idea of national self-determination and the appeals to the status of state on the ethnic separatism in the post-cold war is contract to main trend of globe fusion in the view of times background .It will result in the turbulence of international situation and the out-of-balance of international mechanism in the view of the stability of international safe mechanism. It destroys the order now in the view of justice .It destroys justice in the name of justice. Their demands will not suitable to justice (here means stability and harmony) in the modern world unless they suffered from great discrimination or a large-scale persecution in the structure of state now. Its propositions are contract to the base principles of the international law and scare of legality and rightfulness .in the view of legal principles. It will destroy the harmonious and safe mechanism of multi-nation in the home. Furthermore, it also threatens the integrity and unity of country territory in the view of state security. Number two: One nation one state "One nation one state "means one nation has a pure state .It is extremely narrow theoretically .In addition it is un-rational and destroy practically .It is a mistaken idea that every ethnic group can establish a nation-state .If indeed, the ethnic separatism in the present state will not stop forever .In the meantime of respecting history, we need respect reality more. To achieve the aim of separation, the ethnic separatism take three mainly strategies. Culture alienation means the identity of ethnic that when the minorities of the multi-ethnic states hope separate from sovereign states, they take culture preparations in ideology. Culture preparations means ethnic separatism thinks the priority of native tradition and prior to mainstream culture on the emphasisof the native traditions. What's more, the strategy of cultural alienation produces gradually psychological estrangement and result in political separation in the end. Identity of ethnic group means the ethnic separatism boycotts the influence of political, economical and cultural from the identity of state by way of the ethnic identity of ethnic group. Ethnic elites boast the priority and peculiarity by way of its member of group's loyalty to the ethnic community. Its essence is to achieve the together of communal forces by emphasizing the identity of ethnic group. Furthermore, it will realize the shift from the power of ethnic group to the power of state. In other words, ethnic separatism aim at shifting present identity of ethnic to the identity of state .The realization of this course is to take ethnic separation. In fact, the essence of ethnic identity in the modern world is the identity of culture. At the same time, the identity of state is the identity of civic. The identity of ethnic and the identity can co-exist. They are unanimous, not conflict. So-called ethnic group mobilization means ethnic separatism carry out the strategy of pursuing the political power .It needs three key elements: the object of mobilization, the conductor of mobilization and the technique of mobilization .The ethnic separatism of ethnic separatist give the real threat to the safety of state and the instability of state. The last trend of theory and strategy is aim. The aim of ethnic separatism is build an independent state or merge into neighbor state. The essence of the aim is yearning for state status -quo .In other words, it means worship the state power and establish the system of organs of state of their own. The forth: the selection of means and the model of display of ethnic separatism in the post-cold war. Ethnic separatism mainly takes three separated means or applies the three ethnic means for the ethnic purpose. They are political movements, violence and terror and military antagonism distinctively. Their classical representatives are the ethnic separatism of Quebec, North Ireland and Tamil indistinctively. The fifth: the main features of ethnic separatism in the post-cold war era. The ethnic separatism in the post -cold war takes on different new features from the former. These features are mainly violence-terrorism, separatism-religion, nationalism-extremism, external-interference-pattern and separation organizations-ally. The sixth: the influence of ethnic separatism on china in the post-cold war era. The ethnic separatism in the post-cold war result in some negative outcome objectively .It threaten the integrity and unity of the state territory,...
Keywords/Search Tags:post-cold war, nationalism, ethnic separatism
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