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Ideological And Political Education Into Daily Life

Posted on:2008-12-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360215984149Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the sense of Philosophical Ontology, life is the true basis of Ideological andPolitical education. Ideological and Political education is originated in life, serves forlife and exits among life. Whatever type of society and whatever significance we giveto Ideological and Political education, life is the basis that Ideological and Politicaleducation can't deviate from in any sense. Life is the irreplaceable, decisivefactor that we must give great attention to in the process of Ideological and Politicaleducation.But, for a long time, the relationship between life and the process of Ideologicaland Political education has not been taken seriously as it should be. There are stillsome wrong trends in the process of Ideological and Political education, suchas, dogmatism, idealism, formalism, so on and so forth. Dviaing from life, there aregreat troubles that make Ideological and Political education can't get the result asexpected.Since the late half of the twentieth century, with the development of science,scientism has dominated human's life. As a world-view, scientism leads tO thealienation human's life. Against the domination of scientism world-view in humanlife, many thinkers advocate that we should give more attention to human's life. "Goback to human's life"is becoming a great trend in Philosophy field. Responding to thetrend, some scholars in the field of Ideological and Political education, also showedgreat attention to human, human's life. "Pay attention to human and human's reallife"is becoming hot issue in the field of Ideological and Political education. In thiscase, some scholars come up with the idea of life-oriented education.Maybe we can understand the connotation of life-oriented Ideological andPolitical education by three sentence, "education for life", "education by life" and"education of life". It emphasis that we should pay great attention to the relationship oflife and Ideological and Political education and launch Ideological and Politicaleducation work all around life. In the sense of Philosophical Ontology, Ideologicaland Political education work should make life as its logic starting point, making the education goals and content close to life. In the sense of Philosophical Axiology, weshould make man as the value center of our education, pay more attention to man'sreasonable need and serves for man's development. In the sense of PhilosophicalMethodology , it is "education by life" and we also should pay more attention to theeducation function of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological and Political education, life, life-oriented, Philosophical Ontology
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