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A Study Of Ethical Issues Concerning Floating Population Administration In Contemporary China

Posted on:2010-07-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S ChenFull Text:PDF
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In this dissertation, I examine the floating population administration (FPA) in contemporary China from the ethical perspective, analyzing some defects in it, and elucidating ethical principles as well as moral norms concerning it, in order to set down the ethical foundation of FPA, to provide ethical guidelines for the reformation of the FPA pattern and the amendment of the FPA policies and laws in our country, and to prepare the ethical precondition for the construction of a harmonious relation in FPA.Historical and dialectical materialism, speculative analysis and social investigation are adopted in this dissertation.At the beginning, the definition of floating population is laid down. The current situation, characteristics, and administration of the floating population in contemporary China are then analyzed, and the ethical thought embodied in the FPA administration of previous dynasties are also examined.Although the ethical ideas of making people-oriented policies, strengthening the ethnical amalgamation, safeguarding the borderland by developing economy, and defending the stabilization and unification of the country embodied in the feudal FPA shall be somewhat inheritted, the entire FPA ethics should be reproached for non-humanism in terms of its compelling and enslaving people, violating people's rights and restraining people's development. The population floating in the feudal era was compulsory and the ethics related to it had served the needs of the feudal ruling class.Population floating in the social turbulence of the Republic of China was in a larger scale than ever before. And remarkable were the FPA ethical ideas of defending the territorial integrity, sovereignty and national dignity, paying attention to people's livelihood, and benefiting people reflected in the FPA in the early period of the Republic of China. The government of Kuomintang (People's Party) exercised once the fascist dictatorship and its FPA ethics shall be discarded because it was in some aspects anti-people and fascist. Japan's aggression in China stood against the international law, thus its FPA in the invaded territory of China was wholly illegal accordingly. Chinese Communist Party's FPA ethics in the liberal area, which adequately embodied the ideas of defending the national dignity, caring for and benefiting people, and respecting democratic rights, and which laid the foundation for the formation of the FPA ethics in contemporary China.Then the FPA ethics in contemporary China is discussed in three aspects.Firstly, the ethical Idea and principles in institutional design are discussed. Democentrism shall be taken as the essential ethical Idea; and these five ethical principles of fairness, the promotion of human well - round development, the conformity of duties to rights , the equality in social status, and the universal share of welfare from economical and social development shall be followed.Secondly, the ethical Idea and principles in administrative activities are explored. To prevent from ignoring ethical appeals of the floaters and violating their lawful rights, the moralization of FPA is suggested, and advocated are these ethical rules of administrating while serving people, being fair and civilized in law execution, protecting human rights of individuals, and creating the social environment for the all-round development of floaters.Thirdly, moral norms which shall be abided by all parts involved in FPA are respectively treated. Administrators shall follow the norms of fairness, responsibility, incorruptibility, and efficiency. Employers shall be fair, humane, and abided by law. And floaters shall protect their own rights according to laws, obey to laws, be honest, and take good care of public properties and the residential environment.In the conclusion, the basic functions of ethical principles in the FPA are expounded, the approaches of building up the moral system of the FPA are listed and the future of the FPA in China is prospected. The social environment which is beneficial to the economical and social development, to the ethnical integration and national progress, and to the construction of the harmonious society is to be created by enacting democentrist laws and institutions in FPA, executing the behavior norms of the administrators and employers of floaters , and helping floaters to improve their moral cultivation and to promote their general making so as to integrate them into urban civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:floating population administration in contemporary China, ethical Idea, ethical principle, moral norm, democentrism
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