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The Nonlinear System Theory And Methodology Of Competitive Ability

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N M ChouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330374450140Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Athletic ability of the system is complex, nonlinear dynamic systems. System between the different elements of the nonlinear mechanism is its essential attribute, non-linear phenomenon in its evolution is universal. But in order to deal with the problem of convenience, competitive capacity of the system over the past many nonlinear problems are approximately as a linear problem to be addressed. This approach is indeed done in some cases, a convenient, without losing its legitimacy. However, in many conditions, this linear approximation is difficult to explain many complex phenomena, then it must be non-linear way. under the scientific theory of nonlinear systems, this paper studied nonlinear systems of competitive ability on the theory and methods. Contents of the study and the results are as follows:1. The system of athletic abili ty is complex, nonlinear dynamic systems. It is composition of its environment, boundaries, structure, function and status. Competitive ability of the system is essentially non-linear properties, linear but non-linear relationship between competitive ability specialization or simplification.2. In the environment, nonlinear system of competitive ability shows a wide variety of nonlinear behaviors. They are mainly saturated, exponential, U-shaped, S-type, space-based, insensitive zone and time-delay seven kinds of forms. At the same time, they show does not meet the principle of superposition, with characteristics of stability and instability, the sensitivity to initial conditions, critical effects, bifurcation and diversity, catastrophe and synergy seven basic non-linear characteristics3. The system of competitive ability is non-linear evolution of self-organization. Evolution of competitive ability of the system is from the steady-state unstable a new steady state the new instability, iterative process. In the evolution of the system it follows the principle of non-equilibrium steady state, constraint, fluctuation and nonlinear synergy and so on.4. The control of competitive ability system is non-linear.Its main control methods are:(1) changing the initial state of the system conditions;(2) changing the way the system final state conditions;(3) changing the boundaries of the system condition;(4) changing the system time and space structure;(5)method of application of wave characteristics;(6) the critical characteristics of application systems approach;(7) changing the system of recovery and damping factor. Meanwhile, in the control process we must follow the four principle of overall and local control, nonlinear and linear control.combining quantitative and qualitative control,self-organization5. Theory and Method of athletic ability nonlinear system is athletic ability system in practice of sports training practical laws embody and reflect, which has important practical significance in the process of its formation and development. it requires the athletic ability system periodic arrangement, training content, training methods on the design should have a nonlinear. In the practice Chinese elite swimmer Yang Yu's athletic ability system and training process are analyzed, we found out its athletic ability system evolution has the nonlinear characteristic, the training process with nonlinear performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competitive Ability, Nonlinear System, Nonlinear Behavior, Nonlinear Evolution, Nonlinear Control
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