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Cultural Dissemination And Heredity In Vicissitudes Of Modern Chinese Family

Posted on:2005-02-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360125450988Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Great change in the families of humankind has wept across the whole world along with the wave of odernization allover the world. It is also inevitable in Chinese families. The relationship of family and cultural heredity is one of the most ancient and strong relationships in humankind. This relationship is facing great challenge—historic vicissitude ever happened. what does this vicissitude mean to the families of Chinese pattern? what does this mean to traditional Chinese culture? In the boarder sense, what will be brought to Chinese people on a completely new background. Under the circumstance of today's globalization, review of relationship between the vicissitude of family and cultural heredity in order to find out the fate of excellent Chinese traditional culture in modern world has become a subject in frontier and urgent task on theory research on Chinese contemporary cultural anthropology. The logic structure and succinct explanation of this article are as below:Chapter 1 the inspection of the research on the relationship between family and cultural heredity.When cultural anthropology scholars solve the puzzle of culture, they start from familial system. .Analysis of familial system seems to be a prerequisite of self-evident methodology for their research on cultural heredity. Through the inspection and sorting of the achievements by domestic and foreign classic theorist in this field, this article reveals the firm connection in scholar theory between vicissitude of family and cultural dissemination and heredity in order to corroborate the premise that the proposition of this article is right. By finding out the effective frame and defects of the previous research, this article wants to sharpen the tool of idea by which to analyze contemporary Chinese family and cultural dissemination and heredity deeply. The sound achievements on this problem by western scholars are (Ⅰ)The creative exploration by Morgan: From the vicissitude of the name of kinship, he found the fact the name of kinship was left behind by the development of the familial system. He divided 5 familial phrases in the history of humankind one by one. He expressed the idea that there is integrity in the family of humankind and revealed for the first time that the name of kinship is the real structure that social structure can be copied and culture can be relayed.(Ⅱ)Research by Marxism: Marx and Eagles emphasized relationship between the individual marriage system and privacy. They proposed that the familial change was related with the economic change and the development of economic was decisive factor for the emergence of monogamy and modern coral family. Monogamy was developed by male as a mean to put the reproduction system of humankind into order.(Ⅲ)The research of functionism: The research by Malinowski and Parsons is most prominent. From the cultural orientation, Malinowski revealed that family was a product to satisfy humankind in the way of culture. Being influenced by culture, The behavior of humankind is different from that of animals under natural circumstance, family becomes a start point of all organizations of humankind. This enlightens us to solve their relationship from the point of view that "humankind can not get rid of culture "and that "family is the most important mean of the culture of humankind ". From the analysis of the adaptation of isolated core family and the society of the industrial economy, Parsons proposed that as a part of social integrity family is a important place for generation heredity and has the function which is helpful for the preservation, integrity and heredity of the society as a whole. But the theory of functionism over emphasized relationships of coincidence and stationary between family and culture (Ⅳ)The theory of symbol interaction:This theory is good at analyzing interaction and individual socialization and starts from the interaction character and identity .It thinks that family is the unit of interaction among people and any behavior is determ...
Keywords/Search Tags:Familial vicissitude, crisis, construction, cultural dissemination and heredity
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