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On Brand Operation Of University

Posted on:2010-04-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360275467526Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Quality Project" was put on the agenda after the higher education's quantity expansion has been beyond the end of mission. Various universities in the increasingly fierce competition feel the crisis and confusion,are to imitate,is to go beyond,are drawing on,or differences in the development,how the development of differentiation into a number of very practical issues.The university implements the brand management,concise school characteristic,and then dislocation development,provides us with a new way of thinking.In this paper,cut from the following the multi-disciplinary fusion foundation's scientific theory research establishes the rationale of university brand management; exploring the effective operation of the brand's basic strategy and process,to build strong brands and business-oriented operational research; the domestic and foreign different systems and the brand level's relativity research,seeks the thought inspiration and academic uses for reference; the statistical survey and the material analysis' real diagnosis research,grasps the case condition and the question in the current our country university brand management,and provides the convincing case for the research.Take care of our universities in the brand opration experience,we find existing in reality dislocation,such as the lack of visual recognition, behavior recognition of the convergence,and the concept of identification as a single;University brand is more important in the operation is not re-position,but fit to the bit of land.This article attempt to give a breakdown of the use of consumers and providers to combine the positioning of segmentation methods in order to obtain synergies.On the construction of university brand,mainly from the system, culture,strategy three levels in university brand building;the university brand turn composed of a different brand pillars(principals,teachers, academics,students and other brands);there are still follow-up brand extension of the management issues.So,the construction process and strategies are complex and detailed. On the spread of university brand,the real owner of university brand should be the stakeholders(including government,employers,students, parents,faculty,etc.),so can not ignore the stakeholders satisfaction with the brand of universities formed affected,their active participation and support are an important condition for the brand.Therefore,it is necessary to use effective and innovative communication strategies to disseminate to the target audience of University brand,"Well done at the same time would also like to say well."Finally,the article are closing,combing the full text of this article summarizes the main argument,pointing out the shortcomings and the study of "university brand management" to further study the subject of future direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Brand Operation, Characteristic Localization, Connotation Construction, Image Communication
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