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Study On Comprehensive Evaluation And Dynamic Development On Physical Constitution And Health Of Chinese Han Nationality Students Aged From 7 To 18

Posted on:2010-10-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W K LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360278954098Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Parts 1 : Study on dynamic development of physical constitution and health of Chinese Han nationality students aged from 7 to 18 between 1985 and 2005Objectives: to compare the dynamic secular trends of physical constitution and health of Chinese students aged from 7 to 18 between 1985 and 2005 as well as the difference and trend of the height and weight between Chinese students and Japanese students with the time periods of 1985 and 2005 respectively, and to provider the scientific evidence on improving the physical constitution and health of Chinese students.Methods: Between 1985 and 2005, Chinese Han nationality students aged from 7 to 18 were randomly selected as the study subjects with the 3-stage clustered randomized sampling method. The literature search method was used to collect the data about the basic principles and methods of studying and evaluating students' physical constitution and health, development trend of physical constitution and the analyses on reason and strategy formulation for the obstacle to physical constitution and health, and study review was developed. A dynamic series statistical analysis method was introduced to analyze and compare the secular trends on morphological construction, physiological function, activity diathesis and health status among Chinese Han nationality students aged from 7 to 18 between 1985 and 2005 as well as the dissimilarity on height and weight between Chinese students and Japanese students. Measurement data was described with mean, median, minimum value, maximum value, standard deviation, percentile 25th and percentile 75th, and count data with rate and proportion. The comparison between two groups of measurement data was made by two independent sample t test method and multiple groups compared by ANOVA with completely random design. The difference in height and weight between Chinese students and Japanese students was analyzed by Z test performed in a self-developed SAS procedure. Dataset was set up by SPSS software version 15.0.All analyses were performed by SPSS15.0, SAS 9.03 and EXCEL. Significant test level for hypothesis test was set atα=0.05.Results: The samples of Chinese Han nationality students aged from 7 to 18 recruited in the study were 411931 in the year of 1985, 142521 in 1991, 206935 in 1995, 209299 in 2000, 235981 in 2005,respectively. The findings showed that the development level of morphological construction of Chinese student aged from 7 to 18 have persistently increased. The height increased in urban male,female students,rural male and female students were 4.93cm, 3.48cm, 5.79cm and 4.47cm , respectively, and the climbed extent to the height in urban male students were significantly larger than that of the urban female students(P<0.05), and the increased height (6.97cm) in rural male students were the largest (P<0.05) .The extent to the increase in height during the first decade was significantly higher than that of the second decade (P<0.05)(for urban male students: 2.98cm vs. 1.96cm; urban female students: 2.18cm vs. 1.30cm; rural male students: 3.48cm vs. 2.32cm; rural female students: 2.83cm vs. 1.65cm, respectively). The weight of Chinese Han student also increases with the time during the two decades period. The ascended extent to the weight in in urban male,female students,rural male and female students were 7.36kg, 4.45kg, 4.82kg and 3.02kg, respectively, which implied that the increasing speed of weight among urban male and female students were quicker than that of rural students respectively (P<0.05) . The overweight rate in urban male, female students, rural male and female students have climbed 18.84%, 9.50%, 8.57% and 4.78%, respectively. During the two decades, the ascended extent to the overweight rate in urban male students were larger than that of the other students (P<0.05) , and the urban male pupils had increased 22.24% of overweight rate (P<0.05) . During the period from 1985 to 2005, the circumference development of Chinese Han student in each age group presented the increasing trend. The circumference in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 3.30cm, 2.91cm, 0.94cm and 1.03 cm, respectively. The extent to circumference increased in urban male students was larger than that of rural students (P<0.05) . There was positive correlation between the speed of morphological construction development in Chinsese students and the level of food expenditure per person in China (P<0.05) with the correlation coefficient ranged from 0.913-0.983. The status of the morphological construction development in rural students lagged about 15years compared to urban students.The volume of the vital capacity of Chinese student had the rapid decreased trend, and the extent to the declined vital capacity in the first decade(270.28ml) was larger than that in the second decade (85.36ml) (P<0.01). The declined extent of the vital capacity in urban male,female students,rural male and female students were 304.11ml, 393.88ml, 311.65ml and 412.95ml, respectively. The declined speed of the vital capacity in rural female students was more rapid than that of the male students (P<0.05) , and the female students in rural high school had a fastest dscend with the vital capacity (574.50ml) (P<0.05 ) . The pulse of the student had increased slightly for two decades. The increasing extent of pulse in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 2.20 beat/minute, 1.52 beat/minute, 1.72 beat/minute and 0.69 beat/minute, respectively. The blood press of the Chinese student had the declined trend slightly between 1985 and 2005. The increased extent of the systolic pressure in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 1.67mmHg, 3.76mmHg, 3.27mmHg, 5.46mmHg and the diastolic pressure with 4.21mmHg, 5.27mmHg, 5.15mmHg 6.24mmHg, respectively.Between 1985 and 2005, the speed of the 50-meter race of Chinese student had the accelerated trend for 6 years (form 1985 to 1991) followed by a short steady period and fast declined period in the second dacade. The speeded-up extent of 50-meter race in rural male students (0.21second) was large than that of the other students (P<0.05) ,while the dscended extent of 50-meter race in urban female students (0.18 second) was large than that of the urban male students (0.02 second) and rural female students (0.04 second) (P<0.05 ) . The ascended extent to standing long jump of Chinese Han student in the first decade (from 1985 to 1995) was larger than that in the second decade (from 1995 to 2005) (9.49cm vs. -5.09cm, P<0.05). During the two decades, the extent to standing long jump in urban male, female students, rural male and female students increased 2.75cm, 0.15cm, 10.70cm and 4.02cm. The extent to prolong the standing long jump in rural male student was the largest among all students (P<0.05), while the extent to prolong the standing long jump in urban female student was less than that of the other students (P<0.05). During the two decades, the slanted pull-up of the student aged from 7 to 12 presented totally increasing trend ahead of the declined between 2000 and 2005. The increasing frequency of the slanted pull-up of the rural students (14.35 times) was larger than that of the urban students (9.70 times, P<0.05) . The pull-up of the male student aged from 13 to 18 declined sharply in the second decade. The situps of the female student aged from 7 to 18 presented the ascending trend totally during the two decades, and the extent to raise the situps in rural student (5.92 times) was larger than that of the urban student (3.91 times, P<0.05). The grip of the student presented increasing trend between 2000 and 2005, the grip increased in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 2.70kg, 2.26kg, 2.83kg, 2.25kg, respectively. There were no significant differences in the increment grip among different students. The 50m×8 shuttle race of the male student aged from 7 to 12, and the 1000-meter race of the male student aged from 13 to 18 presented the slow-down trend especially in the second decade. The the declined extent of the 50m×8 shuttle race of the urban student (12.11second) aged from 7 to 12 was larger than that of the rural students (7.61 second) with the same age (P<0.05). The 50m×8 shuttle race of the female student aged from 7 to 12 and the 800-meter of the female student aged from 13 to 18 presented the slow-down trend especially in the second decade, and the the declined extent of the 50m×8 shuttle race of the urban female students (9.94 second) aged from 7 to 12 was larger than that of the rural students (7.37 second) with the same age (P<0.05). Standing toe-touch of the students and sitting toe-touch of the male students had a declined tendency, while sitting toe-touch of the female students had an ascended tendency. Within 20 years, the declined extent of standing toe-touch in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 2.57cm, 1.04cm, 1.04cm and 1.54cm, and the extent of standing toe-touch decreased in urban male students was the largest among all students (P<0.05). From 2000 to 2005, sitting toe-touch of the male students declined 0.46cm and 0.73cm in urban and rural areas, respectively, while sitting toe-touch of the female students climbed 0.78cm and 0.17cm in urban and rural areas, respectively. The extent of standing toe-touch increased in female students was larger than that in the male students (P<0.05).The hypometropia rate of Chinese Han student has the climbed trend between 1995 and 2005. The increment in the hypometropia rate of the urban students (9.50%) was slightly higher than that of the rural students (8.85%, P<0.05). The increment in the hypometropia rate of the urban pupils (13.49%) climbed faster than that of rural pupils (7.77%, P<0.05), while the increment in the hypometropia rate of the rural high school students (10.02%) climbed faster than that of rural pupils (6.86%, P<0.05), and the severe hypometropia rate of the studentswent up fast, The increment in the hypometropia rate in the rural female students (11.93%) ranked the top position. The prevalence rate of the deciduous teeth with decayed teeth among the urban student had the declined trend between 1995 and 2005,and the mean decrement of prevalence rate of the deciduous ranged from 1.87% to 19.94%, and while the decayed teeth rate of the rural student did not changed significantly. There is no gender difference in the decayed teeth rate (P>0.05). The prevalence rate of the permanent teeth with decayed teeth among the students had the declined trend between 1995 and 2005.The decayed teeth rate of the urban students (7.55%) descend much more than that of the rural students (1.93%, P<0.05); The prevalence rate of the hypo-hemoglobin of some age groups students presented declined trend between 1995 and 2005. The decrement of the prevalence rate of the hypo-hemoglobin in urban male, female students, rural male and female students were 11.41%, 10.58%, 11.31%, 9.82%, respectively. The decrement in the prevalence rate of the hypo-hemoglobin in the male students (11.36%) was larger than that of thefemale students (10.20%, P<0.05); the infectious rate of roundworm in each age group of student has slightly descended between 2000 and 2005, and the average decrement in the infectious rate of roundworm was 1.47% .The height in Chinese Han students aged from 7 to 18 was lower than that of the Japanese student with the same age group in 1985. The differences of height and weight in male students aged from 12 to 14 between the two countries reached 7.35cm, 7.18cm and 6.73cm,respectively, and 5.11cm, 5.90cm and 5.88cm differences in female students with the same age between the two countries rspectively; The weight in Chinese Han students aged from 7 to 18 was more light than that of the Japanese student with the same age group in 1985, and the larger differences presented among the students aged from 11 to 15. In 2005, the height in Chinese Han male students aged from 7 to 10 was higher than that of the Japanese student with the same age group, while the height in Chinese Han male students aged from 11 to 15 was lower than that of the Japanese student with the same age group (P<0.05). The height of Chinese Han female students aged from 7 to 9 and aged from 14 to 18 were higher than that of the Japanese student with the same age group respectively, and while the height of Chinese Han female students aged from 11 to 12 was lower than that of the Japanese student with the same age group (P<0.05). The height of Chinese urban students was totally higher than that of the Japanese students with the same age group. Except for the weight of Chinese male students aged from 7 to 9 exceeded the weight of the Japanese students, the weight of the other male students and all female students were lighter than that of the Japanese students with the same age and gender. Above all, the increment of height (ranged from 2.59cm to 6.90cm), weight (from 1.79kg to 8.66kg) in the Chinese students was larger than that of the Japanese students (from -0.05cm to 2.44cm, and from-0.03kg to 2.89kg), respectively (P<0.05). The difference of the height and weight between the Chinese and Japanese students became more and more small, and the shorten trend present obviously among pupils and middle school students. Furthermore, the height and weight of the younger pupil even exceeded that of the Japanese students with the same age in 2005. Generally speahing, there was difference in weight between the Chinese and Japanese students, and the development level of the weight in the majority of Chinese students in 2005 were still at the level of the weight in Japanese students in 1980's last century. The weight in Chinese students was lower than that of Japanese students.Conclusions:1. The development level of morphological construction of Chinese student had sustaining increased, and the extent to the development in height in the period from 1995 to 2005 was larger that that in the period from 195 to 1995 .The height of the rural students devloped faster that that of the urban students, while the weight and circumference of the urban students were larger than that of the rural students. The weight gain in urban pupils had the accelerative trend, which hints that urban pupils were at high risk for the overweight and obesity;2. The volume of the vital capacity of Chinese students had the rapid decreased trend, and the extent to the declined vital capacity in the first decade was larger than that in the second decade. The declined speed of the vital capacity in rural students was more rapid than that of the urban students, and the vital capacity of the female students decreased faster than that of male students. The other physiological function measurements in Chinese Han students did not changed significantly;3.The measurements index reflecting the explosive force, strength, flexibility and endurance of the Chinese Han student did not present climbed trend and had descended trend in the period from 1995 to 2005; There was the shape of "∧" in the secular trend of activity diathesis.4. The prevalence rate of anemia, decayed teeth in Chinese Han students presented the descent trend. However, the hypometropia rate of Chinese Han student had the climbed trend with the time and the students' age. The hypometropia rate of the urban male pupils rose relatively fast. The findings indicated that the prevention of hypometropia should been focused on the urban pupil population;5. The speed of the height and weight development in Chinese Han student aged from 7 to 18 was faster than that of the Japanese student with the same age group during the two decades. The differences of height and weight between the Chinese and the Japanese student becomes more and more small, and the height of the younger pupils and the urban students were higher than the national average level of the height in Japanese students with the same age group in 2005. However, there was difference in weight between the Chinese and Japanese students, and the development level of the weight in the majority of Chinese students in 2005 were still at the level of the weight in Japanese students in 1980's last century. Part 2: Study on comprehensive evaluation of physical constitution and health of Chinese Han nationality studentsaged from 7 to 18Objectives: Expert scored method was adopt to develop the evaluation index system, weight and approach of assessing Chinese students' physical constitution and health; the application value on comprehensive evaluating Chinese students' physical constitution and health with TOPSIS, synthetic index, rank sum ratio and close value method were explored, and the alternative synthetic method for assessing Chinese students' physical constitution and health was optimized.Methods: The literature systemetic analysis method was used to collect the data about the basic principles and methods of studying and evaluating the measurement index for students' physical constitution and health, and intergrted with the mesurement index of Chinese students' physical constitution and health, the concept framework of the evaluation index system on Chinese Han students' physical constitution and health was developed. Expert interview with Delphi method was performed to determine the index system for students' physical constitution and health and the weight of each item, and finally develop the comprehensive evaluation index system of Chinese students' physical constitution and health among different age and gender. At the same time, the comprehensive evaluation methods such as TOPSIS, synthetic index, rank sum ratio and close value method were introduced to assess the Chinese students' physical constitution and health, and the difference in evaluation results among those methods was compared with Kruskal-Wallis H test based on completely random design and the consistency of the results among those methods was analyzed by Spearman correlation. Dataset was set up by SPSS software version 15.0. All analyses were performed by SPSS 15.0, SAS 9.03 and EXCEL. Significant test level for hypothesis test was set atα=0.05.Results: 38 experts with the experirence of teaching, managing and studying physical subject and child health from university,research institutions and administrative department had finished the three-term consultation. The concept framework of the evaluation index system on Chinese Han students' physical constitution and health included four dimensions such as morphological construction, physiological function, activity diathesis and health status with 20 items. With the 3-term consultation, the comprehensive evaluation index system of Chinese students' physical constitution and health among different age and gender was developed finally. The weight of morphological construction, physiological function, activity diathesis and health status were ascertained as 0.2693, 0.2540, 0.2445 and 0.2322, respectively. The findings from four kinds of comprehensive evaluation methods including TOPSIS, synthetic index, rank sum ratio and close value method showed that the ranked order in years was 1995, 2000, 1995, 2005, 1985, respectively, and indicated that the development level of physical constitution and health in Chinese Han students ranked higher position in nineties last century, while the situation of the whole development of physical constitution and health in Chinese students was not optimistical due to the reason for the declined level of physiological function, activity diathesis in Chinese students this century. The development situation of the physical constitution and health in the Chinese Han students varied with the different province, and the findings showed that the development level of the physical constitution and health of the students in western and poor area ranked the bottom place. The comprehensive evaluation methods conducted in this study had comparable ranked results for assessing the physical constitution and health in Chinese students and each method can be used in practical evaluation on the physical constitution and health in Chinese students.Conclusions:1. The Comprehensive Evaluationg Index System for the Physical Constitution and Health of Chinese Han Student established in this study is valuable to assess the status of the physical constitution and health in Chinese student at the level of population.2. The comprehensive evaluation methods conducted in this study had comparable ranked results for assessing the physical constitution and health in Chinese students and each method can be used in practical evaluation on the physical constitution and health in Chinese students.3. The comprehensive evaluation results show that the status on the physical constitution and health in the Chinese Han students has been improved during the two decades. However, the overall development level of the physical constitution and health in the Chinese Han students is not ideality due to the obvious slump trend of physiological function and activity diathesis this century. The development situation of the physical constitution and health in the Chinese Han students varied with the different province, and the development level of the physical constitution and health of the students in western and poor area ranked the bottom place.
Keywords/Search Tags:student, physical constitution, health, Han nationality, dynamic series, China, Han nationality, student, comprehensive evaluation, index system
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