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Quality Of Life Of College Students And Its Assessment Based On Harmony

Posted on:2011-08-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360308490084Subject:Technology and education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis focuses on quality of life of college students (QOLCS) and its assessment for two reasons. First is that there is no definition of QOLCS, and nor is the special questionnaire. Second is that the college students develop disharmoniously.Based on harmony, QOLCS is defined, and the model for assessing QOLCS is constructed, i. e. Double-Five Model. The assessment index system is constructed and the special questionnaire is developed on Double-Five Model. In chapter 6, the norm of QOLCS in Xuzhou is formed by investigating 1951 students. The situation is descriptived, and the model of cause association is built. Finally, the measures are put forward to promote QOLCS.It is confusable for the quality of living, quality of survival and quality of life in China. They are differentiated in this thesis, and particularities of life of college students are summarized. Baded on them, QOLCS is defined as actual status and individual's perception of college students in learning, living and things in relation to one's allround development in the context of societal backgrounds.Assessment of QOLCS should follow the principle of harmony, on which Double-Five Model is found. Meaning of Double-Five Model consists of two parts. One is that QOLCS should be assessed in five domains; i. e. physical domain (PHD), psychological domain (PSD), behavior domain (BD), environment domain (ED) and social support domain (SSD). The other is that assessment of QOLCS should follow the rules of life of college students, and keep harmonious in individual self-development, and keep harmonious between individual and others'development, and keep harmonious between individual development and environment, and keep harmonious between individual and social development.The assessment index system adjusted by factor analysis consists of 5 domains, 11 facets and 48 indexes. The special questionnaire for assessing QOLCS included 51 items is developed by three times investigation. The results are presented in standardized score of five domains, summation, harmonious index and general perceived.The norm of QOLCS is formed by the investigating 1951 college students in Xuzhou. It is the the conclusion that relevant intervention should be taken more on college students, and the lives of college students are developed disharmoniously, such as hypodynamia, less energy, low-grade opinion on value, less motivation, less consciousness on learning, worse efficiency in self-management and time-management, less plan about future, less satisfaction with teaching, teachers and learning, less support from compeer.The model of cause association of QOLCS is built, which consists of four aspects, i. e. society, colleges, families, and students. They creat, form, obey, and respond to the situation of QOLCS respectively. Society and students act more on QOLCS. The former is the origin of all force, the later the result. Because social factors are changed hardly, more effective intervention should be taken from individuals and colleges.
Keywords/Search Tags:life, quality of life, quality of life of college students, harmony, assessment
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