The ability of research & development is the main determinant of competition for the high-tech enterprises. So the R&D personnel is the key factor to influence the success of R&D. Thus, how to improve the individual performance of R&D personnel, which finally results in the whole performance improvement of R&D activities, is the important issue concerned for high-tech firms. Meanwhile brain drain is also a vital problem for R&D firms. To solve it, the high-tech firms should set up a fair method for performance evaluation and motivation, by which, for the R&D personnel, satisfaction is increased with the achievement of improved job performance. Based on the further analysis on the relationship between the performance evaluation and motivation methods for the R&D personnel in hi-tech firms, the paper suggests that the individual performance should be discriminated in the R&D personnel to facilitate making personal promotion measures. In terms of the features of the R&D personnel in high-tech firms, the model of performance evaluation for the R&D personnel in high-tech firms is built based on the method of SPA; and then the personal combination plan of motivation is presented, introducing the theory of principal-agent into the model to resolve the share coefficient; finally the method mentioned above is proved with a sample. Consequently creative points are suggested as follows:First, the system of performance evaluation for the R&D personnel in high-tech firms is set up based on the method of SPA. In terms of the features of the R&D personnel in high-tech firms, the paper argues that the content involved in performance evaluation includes job performance, research project, studying ability, working attitude, individual aptitude and physical conditions. Then the detailed indicators for performance evaluation and corresponded evaluation standards are established for R&D personnel. Through the analysis of performance evaluation methods, the model of performance evaluation for the R&D personnel in high-tech firms is built based on the method of SPA. By the combination of the 360 degree feedback system of performance evaluations and set pair analysis, failure toeffectively distinguish the individual performance is overcome with the details on how to do it, while the regulations are made to compare the performance with others in R&D personnel.Second, in the motivation methods for R&D personnel the paper firstly brings forth that share coefficient of profits can be solved with the theory of principal-agent. By the model of principal-agent with three grades, the team share coefficient of profits is first computed and then the individual share coefficient, in which the difficulties in solving the share coefficient is overcome. Meanwhile the functions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are introduced into the model.Third, for the first time, the paper makes the personal combination plan of motivation. Through the analysis of demand for R&D personnel, it is suggested that the unique or simple motivation method is not suitable for the R&D personnel, that the combination of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation is more useful while the personal combination plan of motivation with options is made as the motivating method for each R&D personnel. |