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Empirical Research On Formal Institutional Factors Of Development Of Logisticis Industry In China

Posted on:2010-10-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360302990008Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Logistics industry has become driving force of economy increasingly and an important symbol to measure national modernization level and national comprehensive strength. However, the logistics industry develops very slowly because the institutional factors have critically hindered the whole development of logistics industry in China. By analyzing and researching the market system, property system and government behavior, this paper bring forward theory guarantee and practice gist for the development of logistics industry in China. In this paper, some parts have been brought to research on the institutional factors of the development of logistics industry in China:Firstly, throught the information collection, I found out the development of logistics is incompatible with the economic development in China, and the main reson is that the institutional factors have critically hindered the whole development of logistics industry in China. By studying the relate research, I found out that the existing research is mainly on qualitative analysis and description about the phenomenon of the institutional factors. Further research on the institutional factors of development of logistics industry in China is necessary and important.Secondly, research on effects of instituion to the development of the logistics industry in China has been made. Cluster analysis has been made to analyze the logistics industry in China. Accordance with logistics industry output value from 1980 to 2007, the logistics industry in China is divided into 3 categories, each corresponding to a different institutional environment. Regression analysis has been used to analyze the effects of different institutional environment to the development of logistics industry and I draw on the conclusion that the institutional changing plays an important role in the development of logistics industry in China.Quantitative analysis has been made to analysis the correlation between logistics industry and economic development in China and the result indicates that the correlation degree is quite good, but according to the analysis we come to the conclusion that the state investment in fixed assets on logistics is low and logistics infrastructure has been one main factor to hinder the development of logistics industry in China. The existing system of property rights has restricted the development of logistics infrastructure. The essay constructs coordination model of the compound system, carries on the empirical analysis to the coordination degree between logistics industry and economic development in China. According to the analysis we come to the conclusion that coordination degree is good and the good coordination is based on the scale of the logistics industry. The government should reform industry policy to improve the overall performance of the industry. Compared with developed countries, the level of development of the logistics industry in China has been low as follows: the high logistics costs, low efficiency of the transport, high warehousing fees and high management fees, the low overall level of the logistics industry.Thirdly, researching on market system institutional factors of development of the logistics industry in China has been made. Studied on concentration on Chinese logistics market has been made, the research shows that Chinese logistics market concentration is low, the reason is lack of market access system in the industry. From the perspective of game theory, the Bertrand Oligopoly Model has been used to carry on the analysis of the pricing behavior between road freight transport enterprises. I found from the analysis the phenomenon in the market is similar to the "the Gresham's law" in the game theory, in which small enterprises driving out big enterprises and the institutional reason is that the inappropriateness of"Four Charges"(i.e. highway maintenance fee, highway toll, bridge toll, and traffic management fee) collected by the transportation department in China.Fouthly, researching on property system has been made. The existing system of property rights has hindered the development of logistics infrastructure in China, has led to the lack of effective demand of logistics in China, and lack of effective demand has led to excessive competition. The existing system of property rights has restricted the development of state-owned logistics enterprise. On one hand, there is no property rights transfer system to purchase small and medium-sized logistics enterprises; on the other hand, there are big resistance and a lot of difficulties in the mergers among the state-owned logistics companies.Fifthly, researching on government institutional factors has been made. The current management structure is the biggest bottleneck in the development of logistics industry in China. The government has failed to create conducive macro environment to the development of logistics industry, has been unable to make industrial policy adapt to the development of logistics industry, behavior of regional government has restricted the entirety development of logistics industry in China. Institutional cost of logistics enterprises had been made by government in China.Finally, Jiangsu Province as an example, survey on the constitution of institutional cost of logistics enterprises in China had been made. Survey on the institutional obstacles factors of logistics industry in China had been made. The results of the survey has been carried out through descriptive statistics and principal component analysis and the results has matched the study has been made before. Acording to the survey this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions to the development of Chinese logistics.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Logistics Industry, Institutional Factor, Market System, Property System, Government
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