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Study On Individual's Intention To Adopt Mobile Payment

Posted on:2011-09-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360332957011Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As information technologies (IT) and wireless communication technologies advance by leaps and bounds, coupled with the ever-improving quality of service and mobile devices, mobile phones (mobiles) are no longer tools just for communication. Mobile commerce (MC) which conducted via mobile devices is becoming more popular and familiar. Among all the MC applications, mobile payment (MP) is considered as a "killer application". MP allows individuals to pay for goods or services via their mobile phones. It is an emerging payment method in addition to cash, cheque, debit/credit cards, online payments, etc. Meanwhile, MP is considered as the first well-developed business model integrating Internet of Things and Mobile Internet. For the purpose of this study, mobile devices particularly refer to mobile phones, since the users of mobile phones in China reached over 800 million by the end of the first half of 2010. Such a large number of subscribers make researchers home and abroad quite opportunistic at the future of mobile commerce in China. However, compared with other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, the development of MC applications (including MP) is lagging behind. Therefore, identifying factors that influence the acceptance and usage of mobile payment, presenting a research model and empirically testing it is of great significance. In addition, except for these factors, it should be noticed that no two cultures and institutions are exactly the same, thus it is necessary to explore and discuss whether the contextual factors (cultures and institutions) have an influence on indiviudal's adoption decisions and how they work. We hope to shed some light on MC applications adoption in the future by conducting such a research.The main purpose of this study is to explore factors affecting individual's adoption of remote mobile payment represented by WAP method, and to analyze how contextual factors (individual's national cultural values and their cognition of institutions) work on individual's behavioral intention. First of all, based on an extensive review of literature in technology acceptance adoption, mobile commerce, and mobile payment, taking the special characteristics of MC and studies on trust into consideration, factors affecting the behavioral intention were identified. The research model to explain and predict individual's adoption intention was presented and then empirically tested using data collected from an online survey of 598 respondents. SPSS15.0 and AMOS 17.0 were used to analyze the data. Results showed that:1) Individual's general trust, subjective norm, perceived needs and perceived enjoyment were the four main constructs in explaining behavioral intention (R2=0.70), while trust played the most important role; 2) As hypothesized, perceived enjoyment, affected by individuals subjective norm and device performance, had a direct influence on behavioral intention. However, controrary to our expectation, the influence was negative; 3) Cost of using MP had no influence in individaul's behavioral intention.4) Device performance did not directly influence behavioral intention, but worked indirectly by affecting perceived ease of use, general trust and subjective norm.Then, how individual's national cultural values and their cognition of institutions work in shaping behavioral intention was examined. Cultural dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, power distance) moderated the relationships between individual's behavioral intention and its antecedents. Specifically, data analysis demonstrated that 1) uncertainty avoidance significantly moderated the relationship between behavioral intention and subjective norm such that the relationship was stronger for individuals with higher uncertainty avoidance values; it also significantly modertated the relationship between behavioral intention and trust, and that between behavioral intention and perceived needs such that the relationships were weaker for individuals with higher uncertainty avoidance values; 2) power distance significantly moderated the relationship between subjective norm and behavioral intention, however, contrary to expectation, the relationship was weaker for individuals with higher power distance cultural values; 3) collectivism significantly moderated the relatiohsip between subjective norm and behavioral intention such that the relationship was stronger for individuals with higher collectivism cultural values. The data analysis also revealed that the institutional factor (influence and regulation of instituions) did not work as a moderator as indiviudal's cultural values did. However, similar to individual's trust in technologies supporting MP, the institutional factor was found as one of the two most important factors affecting individual's general trust.At the end, implications for improving adoption of MP and other types of mobile commerce applications, limitations of this paper and potential directions for future study were discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Commerce, Mobile Payments, Adoption, Culture, Institution
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