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Research On Planning Method To Wind Farm And Pumped-storage Generation Capacity

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1222330401957875Subject:Power system and its automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It brings not only a series problem on electric power system operation because of serious conflict on system peak load regulation, but also make it necessary to integrate peak load regulation into power system planning. It becomes a necessary method to analyze the peak load regulation capability when performing power system planning. Pumped storage station is widely regarded as a peak load regulation power source and it played an important role in system operation. In recent years, large capacity wind farm is integrated into network, which makes peak load regulation become a more serious problem. Many researches are developed on how to enlarge system peak load regulation capability. Piloting the construction of peak load regulation power source including pumped storage station has becoming an attractive research item as it could enhance system peak load regulation capability. How to planning wind farm capacity with reason is also become an important problem as it relevant to energy saves and reduce emission. It could make power system operated optimally. The paper focused on establish planning models on solve optimal installation capacity of pumped storage and wind farm considering system peak load regulation adequacy requirement. With system peak load regulation capability becomes less and less, and with more and more wind farm is integrated into power system, the paper takes on not only an important significance on academic value but also practical value.Main research result and innovation achievements obtained in the paper will be showed below:The paper proposed peak load regulation adequacy concept and developed research on it. The background of the concept proposed lies on serious system peak load regulation capability characteristics and incorporate of wind farm "reverse peak load regulation" after integrated power system. It use two index, one is peak load regulation capacity index and the other is system unite ramp rate. The cumulated stop operation probability and least remain speed model is used to analyze the two index respectively. The method could show two aspects information, one is system peak load regulation capacity requirement, the other is system load fluctuation rate information. An example is applied to prove the feasibility and effectivity of proposed model.Pumped storage station has larger peak load regulation capacity, the value is twice of installation capacity. The paper proposed peak load regulation proportion concept and applied the concept in planning model which is used to solve optimal pumped storage station capacity. As one of the restraints, the operation of pumped storage station must satisfy the system peak load regulation proportion, and the minimum expense is used as the model target. Of the algorithm used in solving the model, first step of the algorithm is to obtain all the unit collocation scenario which satisfying system peak load regulation requirement, and then find the optimal capacity planning result while considering the unit overhaul influence among all unit collocation scenario. The algorithm is different from the regular algorithm which put the capacity determination the first thing and then revises the capacity planning result using operation restraints. The static benefit of pumped storage station is applied in model and research work is developed on the influence of this benefit on planning result. A simplified practical example is applied to prove the feasibility and effectivity of proposed model.To the question of the influence extent on system peak load regulation capability, the paper analyzed output characteristic differences between single wind farm and regional wind farm. The paper proposed optimal capacity planning method which based on peak load regulation capacity and system unite ramp rate. While the model is proposed, the concept of generation coefficient and unacceptable wind coefficient is put forward, and the influence on system peak load regulation capability on it the wind farm output acted. The target of model is maximum benefit of wind farm and use iteration method to solve the model. An example is applied to prove the feasibility and effectivity of proposed model. The different planning result is validated on regional and single wind farm as their influences to system peak load regulation adequacy are different.The paper proposed planning method on unity of wind farm and pumped storage considering the difficulty of system peak load regulation after large quantity capacity wind farm is integrated into system. The planning method is established on the basis of satisfying the peak load regulation requirement and no more reserve capacity is required. The target of the planning model is maximum unity benefit while considering the system better operation condition. The method could enlarge nowadays planning target that simplicity make optimization of system operation.System reliability evaluation could used to investigate the effect of power system planning, and also is used as restraint of planning model, equivalent energy function is widely used in power system random production simulation. To the question of pumped storage station is hardly used in equivalent energy function as the energy it generated is confined because of limited resources, the paper proposed scatter energy function model to deal with pumped storage stationand other energy limitted unit. The method remanied the merit of equivalent energy function which included all-sidely operation statuses, and considering the characteristic of limited energy production. When transmission netwok restraints or outage of transmission line is considered, or large capacity wind farm integration is considered, equivalent energy function is hardly to used as the model too complexity to expressed using formula. The least load cutting model is proposed based on Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the reliability of the system. IEEE30bus example is applied to prove the feasibility of proposed method.
Keywords/Search Tags:peak load regulation adequacy, peak load regulation capacity, ramp rate, pumped storage station, wind farm, peak load regulation proportion, power systemreliability
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