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Modernity Society And Value Education

Posted on:2012-09-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330368995577Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education has to face up to the reality of the modernity society. The modernity society presets for education the objective criteria of“the true, the good and the beautiful”and“the false, the bad and the ugly”. The inner relation between the modernized society and education encourages education to reflect on its own problems. Meanwhile, education must be set in the broad background of the modernity society, otherwize it will be difficult to trace back to the nature of the problem. Values education, the core of the modern education, also needs to fulfill its unique role in the modernized society, which is a complicated project. Besides, as the modernized society is suffering crisis in itself, it surely has an intricate and profound impact on the values education. Thus, criticizing and examining of the modernity society is the logical starting point of this thesis.The modernity society is the social formation based on the concept of modernity. In my opinion, modernity is not only a time domain, as opposed to the so-called terms like pre-modern and postmodern, but a comprehensive concept, which is the unity covering modernized value system, modernized economic rationality and modernized political planning. The three components of modernity make up the three interconnected subsystems of the modernized society. Chaos in any subsystem may bring about problems or crises for the modernized society. And running all the way the modernized society has indeed encountered problems and crises.From my standpoint, the most fundamental crux of the modernity society lies in modernized value system. If the modernity society is compared to a bucket, the modernized value system is the shortest barrel board, which finally leads to the decline in the water level in the bucket. As the modernity society pays too much attention to the modern economic rationality and modern political planning, the stability of the three subsystems loses balance. The modernized society is inevitably stuck in crisis in itself because of the chaos in the modernized value system. Paradoxically, though the Chinese society has not fully realized the modernized construction, diverse problems of modernity and its bad consequences appear and spread in the Chinese society, which can not but arouse our anxiety and worries.There is a close relationship between the modernized value system and values education. The problems in the modernized value system are also fully reflected and symbolized in values education, and eventually lead to the crisis of values education. The crisis of values education is not only the external presence of crisis (values education is more and more marginalized, pulled out of, and robbed of), but also the intrinsic reflection in itself(values education is devoted too much to the creation of human into others). In spite of the crisis of values education, there are plenty of solutions. This paper concisely analyzed values education on existentialism, values education on non-values, values education on values clarification. As I see it, these types of theories, to varying degrees, are related to the value of human existence, the value of human life, and the value of the humanity growth. However, they are always bound to be biased and paranoid, and partially discuss the properties, characteristics, functions and methods of certain aspects of values education. There are two major reasons. One is that they little attention to the coupling of values education and the modernized society, resulting in its inability to go deep into the nature of the problem; the other is that they can not take care of the complete human life and really understand the sacred mission that values education make person become the person, resulting in the core of the problem can not be found.In view of the internal logic between the modernized society and the modern values and values education, the author embarks on a theoretical risk. The author anticipates a new picture of the modernized society, and attempts to base the theoretical construction of values education and practical planning on this picture. It is hoped that values education can get away from difficulties and meanwhile the modernized society can get out of its predicament and ultimately realize mutual rescue. Although the presupposed reliability and credibility always disturb the author, the author, an educator, is inspired to struggle when facing problems and crises of the modernized society and those of the values education.Based on the above, a system of social constructive values education is set up. I believe that there should be a two-dimensional rather than one-dimensional tie between values education and the modernized society, that is, values education should serve the development of the modernized society, and simultaneously, the modernized society has an obligation to create realistic situations of“the true, the good and the beautiful”and the ethical and moral environment of "caring, honest, noble" to promote the improvement of values education. Based on the above understanding, the theory of social constructive values education can be summarized as follows:values education should pay close attention to the reality of the modernized society; the goal of values education is to train students to adapt to and go beyond the values of skills and knowledge of the modernized society, the values of spirit and belief as well; as for the way to implement values education, social approach can be adopted to achieve the goal of values education; values education is to be reviewed in the reality of the modernized society.In the support of the theory of social constructive values education, the paper makes a plan for the rationality and strategies of practicing values education, which covers integration of values education, the target presupposition, content selection, process design and evaluation results, etc. to bring about the light of enlightenment to values education in practice and have reference value.The modernized society not guided by the advanced modernized values and ideals system will be in distress and chaos. Chinese modernized society will also be confused and blundering if not guided by advanced core values. Therefore, how to nurture the values of the next generation and even the next generations not only affects the future progress of the modernized society, but relates to our country’s core interests. In this broad background, it would be very meaningful if we can do something.
Keywords/Search Tags:modernity, modernity society, values education, construct through social-way
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