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Empirical Research On Mobile Education Continuous Use

Posted on:2015-12-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330422492406Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the limitation of place and time, traditional education has been moreand more unable to effectively meet the learning needs of people. With the rapiddevelopment of information technology, a new mobile education mode appeared.Mobile education (M-education) is a way of education that users use mobile phonesand other handheld devices to carry out the education and learning. Nowadays,under the background of vigorously education reform implemented by ourgovernment, M-education is one of the preferred ways to improve the educationlevel. M-education is considered to be one of education emphasis in the futuredevelopment direction. As a new form of distance learning, M-education makes theusers get rid of the limits of time and space. However, the application ofM-education is too less to meet the needs, theory research for M-education is stillvery fragmented. This study want to help governments and companies find out theprocess of M-education successful use and its influencing factors, literature analysisand questionnaire survey to the continuous use of M-education process is adopted,to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance how to promote M-education forthe government.This study adopts the literature analysis method to study the process ofM-education problems, took the successful use of the education as a continuousprocess, and divided it into three stages in the contact each other: adoption ofM-education, adaptation of M-education and internalization of M-education. Thedivision of three stages of M-education using, is helpful for people to understandthe success of M-education using process, provides a theoretical basis to study theinfluence factors of mobile education success using.Aiming at the influence factors of M-education sustainable process, this studyuses Technology-Task Tit (TTF), Information System Success (ISS) andExpectations Confirmation Theory (ECT) to build each theoretical model ofadoption of M-education, adaptation of M-education and internalization ofM-education. Then, this study use the sample data collected from users, verifiedthree research model with the help of Smart PLS analysis software. The empirical research of adoption of M-education implied thattechnology-task fit, perceived security together with perceived value were positivecorrelated with users’ satisfaction, and perceived value could affect utilizationintention by means of users’ satisfaction. The technology-task fit wasinconspicuously positive correlated with utilization intention. Analogously, theempirical research of adaption of M-education implied that in the section ofadaptation, information quality, system quality together with system quality wereconspicuously positive correlated with system utilization, and system trust wasinconspicuously positive correlated with system utilization, which can dramaticallyaffect users’ system satisfaction. The empirical research of internalization ofM-education implied that expectation confirmation had inconspicuously correlativeaffect on perceived usefulness and perceived usefulness had inconspicuouslycorrelative affect on system utilization, these were comparatively conspicuous, andhad a great impact on system loyalty.In view of the problems in the path of ascension M-education, this study basedon the adoption, adaptation and internalization of M-education and empirical studyresult, put forward three corresponding application modes: text messages, B/S andC/S. Meanwhile, in this paper, the M-education application patterns were analyzed,and the method to promote M-education was elaborated according to the currentsituation of M-education development together with results of the empiricalresearches.This research effectively make up for the existing research on M-educationtheory research and practical application, is helpful for people to understand and useM-education, provides the theoretical reference and practical guidance forgovernment to promote M-education, for enterprise to apply M-education.
Keywords/Search Tags:M-education, process of continue using, Technology-Task Tit (TTF), Information System Success (ISS), Expectations Confirmation Theory (ECT)
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