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A Research On The Ethics Education Of Huamiao "Singing Culture" In Northern Yunnan

Posted on:2016-04-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330464971708Subject:Ethnic Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Huamiao of ethnic groups in the long history of ethnic groups, "there is a language without words," the oral traditions of ethnic cultures, into Yunnan mainly concentrated in Northern and Central Yunnan Province, a "relatively concentrated, most of the scattered small settlements" features. However, after a difficult, displaced populations in the thousands of years of history in the development process but did not result in the disappearance, disintegration, integration into other strong nation among Huamiao opposite from their own ethnic group "survival dilemma "departure, has developed a their distinctive cultural characteristics of ethnic groups "singing culture" types, construction and maintenance of a strong cultural identity and national cohesion, especially the Xiaoshuijing village in Fuming as representative of the" peasant chorus, "through a series of foreign choir in the new era cultural activities, resulting in a great deal of cultural influence, and even become Kunming and Yunnan of "culture card" so many domestic ethnic villages to follow suit. Whether it is how to generate gene choir cultural historical changes in the traditional culture of Huamiao, variation and inheritance? Huamiao’s community choir in Northern Cultural Organization, the mechanism is how to form and content, preservation, operation and development? What contemporary reference to other nations of the intangible cultural heritage and development of forms? These issues attracted the interest and thinking of the author, the author focuses on Huamiao’s communities in Northern of Yunnan province "singing culture" campaign has the moral enlightenment function, try to answer these questions and cognition.Study of Huamiao’s "singing culture" activities in Villages of Northern Yunnan province have ethical enlightenment function, must first use of literature, only based on the ethnicity of the relevant historical documents and Huamiao to sort out, to be able to clarify the source of the relative "singing culture" with the flow, it can be relatively complete understanding of ethnic choir activities Huamiao ethical significance. Study of Huamiao community choir culture is inseparable from educational anthropology theories, methods and perspectives, only specific areas deep into Huamiao, deep into the choir of cultural activities to be meticulous fieldwork, get first-hand information before can truly realize and grasp the object of study, the formation of true understanding of a certain value and explanatory power. Study of Huamiao is also inseparable from the cultural community choir comparative law apply only to be able to compare the relative system more comprehensive interpretation of the unique cultural genes by growing point and onset mechanism.This study introduces the natural, historical conditions and the distribution of Miao nationality and Huamiao’s community formed in Northern Yunnan, the Huamiao community choir culture took shape division, divided into:original folk songs, religious and non-material integration cultural three stages of development of communities in Northern Huamiao "singing culture" typical village (Xiaoshuijing village) and in fact kept morphology specific introduction; Then, from the perspective of educational anthropology to analyses the relationship between Huamiao’s "Singing culture" and ethical education, locate the "singing culture" basic functions and status of activities Huamiao Villages of cultural system in Northern Yunnan province, to further phased specific interpretation of ethics education and cultural connotation and features singing genes contained in the foundation; Subsequently, this study carried out a detailed study to Huamiao’s "singing culture" of three stages of development of the "original folk songs", "Christian choir" and "peasant chorus", by the choir of cultural ethics education activities educators and educational activities, educational content, educational media and other educational elements and organic link between the role of interpretation and explains the meaning and significance of their moral education, and the following conclusions:First, because the long-term Huamiao group in Northern province migration back and forth, before the spread of Christianity, has been in "there is a language without words" of the social and cultural environment, "singing culture" It is in this period and the formation of ethnic cultural heritage become Huamiao the most important and most effective carrier, both Huamiao ethnic cultural system (inner) spiritual and cultural heritage of genes characteristic, showing cultural field, also a member of the body to recognize and internalize ethnic spiritual and cultural traditions of educational space and gene educational context, through ethics education "singing culture" to provide for the implementation of the members of an ethnic group can be relied upon meaning, rules and interpretation system, indicating ethnic life purpose and destination, Construction of Spirit, out of their own ethnic and cultural variation has the characteristics of, heritage and development. To some extent, can be said that the cultural characteristics of Huamiao community in Northern Yunnan, it is "singing culture" ethics education shaped.Second, longitudinal view, "singing culture" in the original folk songs, religious and cultural integration of the three stages of development of intangible ecological ethics education in force, have a special meaning:first, the original folk songs stage, Huamiao ethnic tradition the original folk songs are Huamiao daily production and life, art and ethnic fit triplicate cultures, with strong cultural adhesive (or differentiated), the mutual penetration of complementarities and common cultural functions play is "singing culture" ethics education roots and soil, but also the starting point of the "Christian choir" and non-material cultural stage "peasant chorus" ethics education on religious integration phase. Second, religious integration phase, in the early 19th century until the late 20th century, the Christian communities in Northern of Yunnan province of Huamiao Villages get a massive spread, through the creation of text seedling establishment of religious schools, to teach singing religious hymns and other cultural and educational activities, so the traditional folk songs in the original content, organization, structure and function have undergone great changes or accept Christianity integration, the idea of Christian ethics passed into Huamiao Villages cultural community, and form a Christian ethics new traits cultural characteristics. Third, the intangible cultural development stage, after the establishment of New China, "choir" of cultural activities in the community in Northern Huamiao village entered a new period of development. Ethnic Huamiao first time ever being fully integrated into the new China highly unified political- administrative system in which its "singing culture" into the national cultural horizons and get the status of the national "intangible cultural heritage" in the local cultural administrative departments advocate of the establishment of "Huamiao farmers choir" (in the village choir based in Christianity), gradually beyond the boundaries of religion more people into the Huamiao village real political, economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations to become important ways and means of socialist ethical concepts, rules and standards as the main content of social education.Third, the lateral view, the three stages of Huamiao in Northern communities "singing culture" also reflects the two aspects in common. First, the "singing culture" in the content of the main activities in villages in different periods of ethics existential, norms and standards-based (religious, social ethics), thinking this is an effective means of Huamiao ethnic cultural community blood, spirit, temperament heritage, convinced by the concept of ethics, norms and standards of education and heritage can achieve the intended purpose. This type of culture is not only ethical Huamiao people trust their own wisdom humanities, but also trust in the "choir" This means of education; secondly, the village community in Northern Huamiao to implement ethics education through the "singing culture" activities that cultures design, both adapted to the unique social groups Huamiao production, life, living environment, has become Huamiao people according to their own cultural conditions grasp of the world, beyond itself, to establish a special way of production and life order and the order of life, reflecting the Huamiao were positive pragmatic and humanistic wisdom and their own ethnic and cultural vicissitude, inheritance and development of special track.Fourth, in the study of religion Huamiao in Northern Yunnan province on the integration phase "choir Culture", to originate in the same religion, the same period, the same nation, the same geographical area, but because of the way religious education strategy and uphold the different missionary personnel on effect of education has caused a huge difference in Guizhou Huamiao "Shimenkan phenomenon" and Huamiao in Northern Yunnan province "singing culture" phenomena horizontal comparison, highlighting the areas identified in the national education and the educated communities based on ethnic and cultural traditions of the facts, to determine be able to provide guidance and practical help for the national public educational content, community and individual development, and adoption of appropriate national and cultural community and be able to accept the mass media, education, fashion, to the importance of implementing national education, heritage and development and urgency. National education should assume traditional national culture heritage and to provide practical and effective education strategy mission. I believe that, through the national culture of school education, religious education (or traditional cultural education) and social education within the community, the education of the three acts, ideas and aspirations of integration, and truly in the national cultural traditions good ethical and moral concepts, norms and standards, through different types of education, "Obtain approval from the heart" common system of internal ethnic and cultural traditions, as its internal "cultural mentality" new constituents, students will be able to issue a sustained, long-lasting influence of education and have the vitality and power the cultural influence.This study has important theoretical and practical significance. Ethics education will in Northern communities in different period of development Huamiao implemented into the overall development process, "the choir Culture" to investigate the system were relatively calmly academic combing through traditional ethnic culture of Huamiao in the actual gene social and cultural changes in cognitive evolution model and track, reflects the national significance of traditional culture in dialogue, exchange, borrow, and changes occur in the transmission of a new growth point for the rational, beneficial, cell protection and national heritage Intangible culture provides a strong reference, to promote national members "Virtue" cultivate and develop important educational content and has practical significance. Research reality of Huamiao community’s traditional culture but also the lack of such research has some typical cases and exemplary, therefore, help to expand the scope of the national education research, the practice and theory of national education. In the context of the current modernization of sustainable development, the study of national social real life "live" ethical education, both to fully exploit, drawing widespread in the nation’s social life educational wisdom, so that national education " " To carry out activities for the target" achieve practical results, but also to promote national traditional culture based on local genetic heritage reasonable and effective, healthy growth variation, development and national members to develop educational resources has some practical significance for ethnic groups and individuals, in order to achieve national regional school system mutual intermediation and help provide a reference and traditional culture of the education system between. However, because of the limited time and research capabilities, making the author’s research at the still inadequate, prompting the author in future studies should make more efforts to enhance their theoretical knowledge to improve the analysis, the ability to recognize the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:educational anthropology, singing culture, Ethics, educational connotation
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