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Female · Marriage And Revolution:The Marriage Statues Of The Wemen And Sexual Relationship Of Revolutionary Base In North China

Posted on:2017-01-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q E DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1317330512950204Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Communist Party paid great efforts during process of the Chinese social liberation to become a modern country through changing the living condition?customs and tradition, and educating the people of the revolutionary base area, which opened a only way from a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society to modernization. In the 1940s, when the New-Democratic Revolution had almost finished since the Soviet socialist periods, Our Party had made some policies and guiding principles to educate and encourage the women to join in the Chinese Liberation Cause by promoting the family status, developing the family relationship, even relieving their bitterness via the dissolution of marriage; but with the diversified regional, social and cultural elements, the results were far from satisfaction. In the paper, by the thorough research on the Feminist Movement and the Feminist Revolution in different times and areas, we could entirely and deeply know the panoramic view and connotation of the Chinese feminist movement and revolution; we could also experience and observe the numerous obstacles and hardships during the Chinese revolutionary and constructive process.Due to Taihang Mountains as the special historical status in the New-Democratic Revolution, it was representative and significance for the Communist Party to carry out the female revolution in the base area as an typical example, it was also the epitome for the Party to experience the difficulties and complications during that period. In the paper, I mainly centered in the counties around the southeast of Shanxi province (Including Taiyue and Jingsui), and titled as Female-Marriage and revolution, dynamically expressed the social images of a group of characters and the feature of the age at that time. Moreover, a lot of files, chorography, newspapers, document and microfilm were used to make the research of feminist social mobilization and revolution by way of scientific knowledge and methods of many disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics and folklore, etc. All of these efforts are contributed to discover the complicity and tortuosity of the revolution in base area, even the whole country to a deeper level. Woman's world is full of vicissitudes.Around the theme, this paper, from the three main forces of the CCP going into the Taihang mountain area set up a revolutionary base as a starting point in October 1937, made multiaspect of historical investigation and empirical analysis in the vernacular of the Taihang revolutionary base area, the CCP history in the Taihang area, women's marriage and relationship before and after establishing the base area, the establishment of marriage legislation and policy changes and operation mechanism of the marriage laws, sexual relationship in the social reform, the marriage of soldiers and the erosion of deep-rooted tradition of marriage reform and the collapse of marriage relationship in the liberated areas. The political ecology of each county in Taihang mountain area is more complex, there are Japanese occupied area, Chiang (Chiang Kai Shek) army occupied area, Yan (Xishan) occupied section and CPC occupied territories. Different political power struggles, coupled with the remains of traditional feudal and backward rural consciousness, making the region's social and ecological rathercomplex.When the base was founded, the Chinese Communist Party is widely practised social mobilization in the area.Through the successive promulgation and implementation of themarriage law and the launch of the woman, the base achieved the social atmosphere of the progressive rectification, and its marriage policy will also be further improvement and development in this process, forming a legal blueprint for the marriage law in new China.But the implement of the Chinese Communist party policy was not easy, Government, women, farmers and cadres at all levels based on a different understanding and consideration of their interests, the effects on marriage policy had also produced many obstacles and digestion.Prasenjit Duara believe that there is a "cultural network" in the rural society comprised of a variety of organization system and the power operation of various norms in North China." It had "become a channel for the state to go deep into rural society; but, it is not easy for the state power to make all kinds of norms in the cultural network serve for itself!" The reform of rural society to the CCP in revolutionary base area was full of hardships and setbacks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taihang Base Area, Female, Marriage, Revolution
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