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Research On Constructing The Ideological Discourse Power In Internet

Posted on:2020-12-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330620459566Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ideology,as a dominant system of doctrine and values in society,it is related to the sovereign security of a country and the rise and fall of the regime,constituting a nation's moral ideal and spiritual belief,it is an unavoidable and insurmountable topic for any social system in the current historical stage.With the progress of human science and technology,the birth of the Internet has brought about a revolutionary change in information dissemination,cyberspace as a panoramic field where virtual and reality blend,it not only profoundly changed people's way of life,but also had a great impact on the construction of national ideology.At present,cyberspace has become the forefront of the ideological confrontation,how to construct the discourse power of Marxism in the field of ideology has become a important issue facing the ideological construction of contemporary China.For the ruling class with political power,mastering the right of ideological speech is not a question of whether they can obtain the right to speak,but whether they can be believed by others and whether they can have a specific expected impact on the thinking and behavior of others.Therefore,it can be considered that “ideological discourse power” is a kind of power to express the ideology,value orientation and political position of the ruling class through the control and application of discourse resources,and standardize and guide the development of social life.The right of ideological discourse is not only an authority that can urge people to consciously believe in and identify with the ideological and cultural values dominated by the ruling class,but also an ability to make scientific use of ideological discourse resources to give full play to its power efficiency and to promote the effective realization of discourse authority.In contrast,it represents “what should be said” and “what you say is believed”,“said well”,that is,“whether what you say count or not? In addition,the formation mechanism of ideological discourse power has its inherent stipulation,which is manifested in the effective cohesion and chimerism between the structural elements of each part of its own system,in order to ensure the formation of the complete discourse communication chain.That is,“discourse subject”,“discourse carrier” and “discourse audience” three core elements.As a kind of “Metatheory” support,the thought of “ideological discourse right” in the context of classical Marxism can be traced back to extract the five logical connotations.First,“language is the direct reality of thought”,and as the combination of language and thought,discourse is not only the premise of the formation of ideological discourse power,but also the starting point of understanding ideological discourse right.Second,in order to maintain the dominant position of the ruling class in the material means of production and social relations of production for a long time,is the fundamental position of ideological discourse power.Third,the “special interest” of the ruling class is described as the “general interest” of the members of the whole society,which is the essential characteristic of the ideological voice,that is,through a series of abstract and universal discourse systems to replace and shield the real power relations.Fourth,in criticism,“persuading people with theory” and arming the masses are the main means to master the right of speech of ideology.Fifth,the “ideological class” in spiritual production,as the main force to promote the construction of ideological discourse power,In the middle transition to communism,it is necessary for proletarian thinkers,theorists and cultural workers to adapt to the needs of adjustment and objective reality due to the phased adaptation and adjustment of proletarian revolutionary struggle strategy.When the construction of ideological discourse power encounters the situation of cyberspace,it is actually the extension of ideological problems in virtual space in real society.In the international network field,the western developed capitalist countries continue to carry out the strategy of discourse hegemony and cultural expansion by using the first advantage of information technology,and constantly impact on the sovereign boundary of cyberspace in our country.With the differentiation of the domestic social interest pattern in recent years,the diversified social trend of thought appears in the cyberspace with a new discourse paradigm and the attitude of critics,which challenges the mainstream ideological discourse communication order.As far as the network public is concerned,the empowerment of new media technology makes it possible for ordinary individuals to initiate social mobilization.Under the traditional conditions,some contradictions,conflicts and interests that can not be properly resolved in reality can easily lead to protest mobilization in cyberspace,erode the authority of the government and the credibility of being in power.In addition,in a sense,the “collusion” between capital and science and technology has become more and more a dissent force to control human beings.Under the influence of capital logic,there has been an abnormal order of information dissemination in cyberspace;There are some bad situations in cyberspace,such as the disorder of information dissemination,the infiltration of network public opinion and cultural production by foreign capital,and the erosion and elimination of the spiritual space of netizens by capital.In view of the realistic basis for the construction of discourse power of network ideology in our country,first of all,as far as the subject of discourse is concerned,in terms of the overall response,first,it is necessary to recognize that the Internet is the biggest variable related to long-term governance.Second,it is necessary to strictly implement the fundamental task of “two consolidation”.Third,be good at grasping the dialectical unity principle of vitality and order,construction and struggle,inheritance and innovation,party spirit and people's character,and“time,degree and effect”.Then,by constantly strengthening the leadership and governance ability of the party and the government in the construction of the voice power of the network ideology,we should focus on the guidance of online public opinion,and guide the competitive network political mobilization,regulating the logic of cyberspace capital and other measures to strengthen the network ruling ability of the party and the government,continue to strengthen the main responsibility of the leading cadres of the party and government and the thinking of the Internet,do a good job in the ideological work full-time team,and promote the formation of a new pattern of collaborative governance of the pluralistic subjects in cyberspace.Secondly,in the aspect of discourse carrier innovation,first,to do a good job in the innovation of the content carrier of the discourse system,we should not only set up the discourse theme for the “Chinese problem”,but also enrich the discourse connotation based on the “Chinese practice”,highlight the discourse style of “Chinese Story”,we should also strive to promote the popularization of academic theoretical discourse,enhance the readability of public policy discourse,and increase the embedding of daily life discourse.Second,develop the form of communication carrier of diversified channels,build an integrated and three-dimensional network media platform system,build an overseas communication carrier platform,and improve the Internet information technology carrier,give full play to the transmission carrier function of high quality network culture products.Finally,establish the audience-oriented discourse communication thinking,do a good job in the audience analysis of network users.Generally speaking,in the overall composition of netizens in our country,the proportion of moderate and rational middle class shows an increasing trend.In addition,the behavior characteristics,thinking mode and social mentality of netizens all show new changes,and give full play to the effective use of big data technology in discourse communication and discourse effect evaluation,which is necessary to realize the accurate target communication of ideological discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideology of the Internet, Ideological discourse power, Marxism, Discourse system, construct
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