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Youth/adult perspectives: The involvement of youth in non-profit youth organization decision-making processes

Posted on:2009-12-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Princes, Melody RFull Text:PDF
This participatory study utilized a mixed methodology and evaluated youth involvement for girls ages 12-17 in a youth-based organization's operational decision-making and evaluation processes. This study reviewed two youth-base programs. The programs included activities that encouraged the development of skills, values, and peer support as well as provided academic, employment, counseling, recreational activities, and information to prevent teen pregnancies. This study measured the female youth decision-making skill capability using the Adolescent Decision-Making Questionnaire developed by Mann, Harmoni, and Power (1989). It concentrated on the youth point of view of being involved in the decision-making processes from a participant perspective, rather than the perspective of simply being recipients of services. The study also evaluated and compared the youth and program staff members' perspectives of involving youth in the decision-making processes for programs that affected their well-being.
Keywords/Search Tags:Youth, Decision-making, Processes
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