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Mobile internet service: Assessment of quality and satisfaction from the customer's perspective

Posted on:2009-06-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Jeon, SunranFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002497150Subject:Business Administration
With the development of mobile technologies, the use of mobile internet service has spread rapidly. The mobile internet can be considered from different perspective. Specifically, this dissertation studied mobile internet service from the customers' perspective. To conduct this research in the specific context of service operations management (SOM), literature on service, quality, risk, satisfaction, and continuance intention as SOM research domains was reviewed. Moreover, six attributes of mobile internet service were identified; ubiquity, localization, personalization, reachability, convenience, and instant connectivity.;To examine research hypotheses, 400 questionnaires were distributed to Korean students attending universities in the Republic of Korea due to the highest national percentage of mobile internet service usage in the world. 367 questionnaires out of 400 were returned and the respond rate reached approximately 92 percent. Of 367 questionnaires, 316 data were usable.;Based on the results of this study, among attributes of mobile internet service, three attributes---ubiquity, reachability, and instant connectivity---were found to have significant effects on mobile internet service quality. As many previous studies have found, mobile internet service quality influenced customer satisfaction, which in turn affected continuance intention. Moreover mobile internet service quality also had a direct effect on continuance intention. Mobile internet risk did not affect mobile internet service quality, and also did not affect mobile internet service satisfaction and continuance intention, respectively.;One of the main contributions of this study is that the roles of mobile internet service quality and mobile internet service satisfaction are important factors in customers' continuance intention with regards to mobile internet service. Service operations managers should consider mobile internet as a service rather than a technology. Moreover, they must understand mobile internet service quality and satisfaction from the customers' perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile internet service, Satisfaction, Perspective, Continuance intention
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