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Exceeding the filling fraction limit: An approach to enhancement of thermoelectric properties of filled - Co4Sb12 skutterudite

Posted on:2014-10-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Clemson UniversityCandidate:Graff, Jennifer WhitneyFull Text:PDF
Currently the world energy usage has nearly tripled since 1950 and is projected to grow at a rate of 1.5% per year and predicted to at least double from the beginning of the millennium to 2050. The United States alone is currently consuming more energy than it can produce (≈ 97 Quadrillion BTU&;Skutterudites are novel materials in that they are a binary system with a crystalline framework and a narrow band gap, so they naturally possess relatively good electrical properties. This dissertation seeks to answer the question: Can we continue to improve the efficiency of one of the leading TE materials in power generation applications -- skutterudites? In trying to answer this question we discovered a material that had never been tested for its TE properties and found that it exhibits behavior not typically observed in these materials as well as showing improvements in all TE properties (electrical and thermal) via one control parameter. We also successfully improved the TE efficiencies of several different filled skutterudites by a single approach which can be applied to other skutterudite and cage-like materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Materials
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