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Alternatives to equity-based funding formulas: An analysis of Augenblick and Myers, Inc., adequacy-based successful schools and professional judgment funding models

Posted on:2007-06-24Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Saint Louis UniversityCandidate:Carl, KevinFull Text:PDF
The No Child Left Behind Act has changed the current landscape of public education in America. Increased emphasis on improving the quality of education through establishing student proficiency standards has resulted in the questioning of funding practices that have only ensured equal amounts of funding based on student enrollment and attendance. Current methods of financing education have failed to provide the resources necessary to meet the proficiency standards established by federal legislation. Alternative methods of school funding are currently being reviewed and considered throughout the United States. This policy analysis will provide a historical overview of school funding in Missouri and identify the correlation between social justice theory and the proficiency standards established by the No Child Left Behind Act. In addition, it will present an analysis of Augenblick and Myers' professional judgment and successful schools' models for funding adequacy in public schools.
Keywords/Search Tags:Funding
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