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A critical analysis of Moscow's external policies towards Africa and the Middle East from Lenin to Gorbachev (Vladimir Il'ich Lenin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Russia)

Posted on:2006-05-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Aryee, James BennettFull Text:PDF
GTID:1456390008472484Subject:Political science
The principal objective of this study was to determine whether Marxist-Leninist ideology constituted the fundamental premise for the formulation and implementation of Soviet foreign policy, from the time of Lenin to Gorbachev, or whether Soviet national interests: security, strategic and economic, constituted the overriding premise.; The applied case study method of analysis will be used to develop the dissertation. The study will look at the motivations, tactics and methods for the formulation and implementation of Soviet foreign policy. It will also examine the similarities and differences in Soviet external conduct towards the two regions. Attempts will be made to cast explanations on why certain methods were used and why such differences existed.; The unique feature about this study is that it will seek to present the dissertation from the perspective of the developing countries. The study's conclusions will show that contrary to the postulations of many Soviet/Russian theorists, during the era under review, Soviet national interests: security, strategic and economic considerations constituted the core premise for the formulation and implementation of foreign policy. It will further show that, with respect to external relations, the dictates of Marxism-Leninism were often virtually sidelined by the various Soviet leaders.; Rather, the aforementioned core premise, coupled with pragmatism and in some instances, communist opportunism guided the formulation and implementation of Soviet foreign policy. In instances where Marxism-Leninism was a factor, it played a secondary role to the core premise.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lenin, Soviet foreign policy, Premise, External, Gorbachev, Formulation
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